Feature requests
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Feature requests in order of importance
The coding below means F = Feature, A = Audio, V = Video, M = Managing, G = General
- F001A - Direct configuration of OS systems audio setup via Audio Setup Wizard
- F002A - Allow host and presenters to control the sound setup of participants
- F003A - Improvement of the Audio Setup Wizard
- F004A - Better echo cancellation on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms
- F005M - Subadministrator rights for groups
- F006G - User defined user role
- F007G - Adobe Connect Add-in for Linux
- F008A - Better sound level indicators in the meeting room (lower rated?)
- F009V - Better video quality
- F010V - Multiple video pods
- F011G - Better text edting features in Note Pod
- F012G - Individual views
- F013G - Too easy to enlarge pods
- F014G - Built in QoS test of users internet connection
- F015G - Export of recordings and metadata to FMS server or other mediacontent servers
- F016G - Better realtime statistics
- F017G - Support for more file formats in Share Pod
- F018G - SIP-integration
- F019A - Full separation between the video pod and microphone functions
- F020G - Ability to add folders to the file share pod
- F021G - Viewing of recordings directly in meeting rooms via share pod
- F022G - Allow staying in sharing mode when clicking another layout button
- F023G - Ability to zoom pods in a recording
- F024G - Ability to download files from a share pod in a recording
- F025G - Calculate and show the feedback emoticons of Agree and Disagree
- F026G - Number the order in which hands are raised
- F027G - Better user interface for private chat
New feature requests
Howto insert a feature request
[From Thorkild]
Feature Requests
(Top 20)
6. Better customization of user rights and roles for an AC installation, but also for each meeting room. cfr. F006G - User defined user role
Reason: We would like to change user rights and roles universally for our AC installation, but also give each Host the possibility to change rights for a specific meeting room. For example we do not think that a Presenter should be able to switch off the sound of a meeting, deactivating all the cameras, closing down the meeting room, delete the chat/text (that cannot be undone) etc. This we believe is the role and rights of a Host. However, we would like the Presenter to be able to activate different layouts, which is not possible today, etc.
15. Viewing of recordings directly in meeting rooms via Share Pod
16. Allow staying in sharing mood when clicking another layout button
17. Ability to zoom windows/pods in a recording
18. Ability to download files from a share pod in a recording
19. SIP-integration
20. Calculation (and show) of Agree and Disagree (feedback emoticons)
21. Allow volume control on shared MP3s.
22. Allow to select, which presenters mouse movements can be seen and which not.
23. If a participants' computer runs interferences, creates trouble, or has a bad connection, indicate which one it is.
24. Better interface in the 'home'. Turn of menus that the user has not got the right to us. No more " you have not got the authorization ..."
25. Allow to retain a recording for public access should a user be deleted from the system with her or his agreement.
Reason: An organisation might want to provide access to recorded Webinars even after a host has left that organisation and his rights and conferences in the system have been deleted.
26. PDF-Support: PDF documents can only be shown by desktop sharing.
Status: Fixed in 7.5
- Better debugging and logging - i.e. to see which streams are heading to/from particular user (and even better if we can see i.e audio quality and level
- Better streaming export - to separate CDN/streaming facilities.
- How to move content from AC server to dedicated FMS?
- Browsing recording&content metadata on separate server.
- Ability to spread content across two monitors
- audio leveling for host on au