Credential Flow Document:

The document is currently drafted here (on google docs) and will be moved to the wiki later.


credentials passed among partners 

ELMv3, openbadges (specific version (question) ), SD-JWT

Transformative aspects

  • becoming cross-sectorial, no longer alone master of our domain


  • concentrate on areas dear to us, while profiting from other elements provided from other sources (look at use cases)


  • other standards and architectures are imposed on us, requiring us to change a lot with the additional risk of loosing existing functionality
  • not good enough user-friendlyness makes the wallet-ecosystem fail as a whole
  • GAFAMs to impose their way (including browsers as "their" tool, interference with their business interests) with the additional risk of "walled gardens"


  • Initiatives and projects with global scope:
    • VC-EDU
    • W3C
    • CTDL (Credential Transparency Description Language)
  • EU-Level initiatives and projects:
    • DC4EU (LSP)
    • EBSI Wave 3
  • National initiatives and projects:
    • Germany: IDunion
    • Switzerland: 


  • engage in relevant projects and standards bodies and know the important messages to bring in

Links and Ressources:

  • No labels