To be able to manage managers in an existing group in the GEANT AAI Service, you need to fulfill at least one of these requirements:
- To be a manager of the GEANT VO → Then you can manage managers in any group in the GEANT VO
- To be a manager of any existing Group in the GEANT VO → Then you can manage managers for any Group you are a manager of.
As both of these operations are similar, this guide will focus primarily on managing managers in a group from the perspective of a Group manager.
Step 1:
Find the Group for which you want to manage managers using this guide:
Step 2:
In the Advanced settings of the Group you can find the "Managers" button. Click on.
Step 3:
You can manage managers in two ways:
- directly per User - a specific user is a manager of the Group → continue on Step 3.1
- dynamically through Groups - current group of Users are managers of the of the Group through membership in another Group → continue on Step 3.2
Although it is more simple to set a person as a direct Manager of any Group, if you have more complex setup (multiple groups managed by the same people), you should always consider to create a new Group with those people as members and use it there. By adding or removing a member from the Group you are then able to simple change the configration of all managed groups instead of adding the same person to multiple groups manually.
Step 4:
Step 5: