Ubuntu v22 server, available as host 193-224-22-192.vm.c4e.niif.hu, IP

In order to make it easier to work with different entities on the same machine (SAML IdP / SP, OIDC OP / RP),
the following hostnames were added to DNS, which point to the same IP:


All source code is available at: /var/www. This folder is then mounted in Docker Debian/Apache/PHP container, as per /var/www/docker-compose.yml

Example commands for stopping / starting containers:

sudo su
cd /var/www
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

SP / RP Services

SAML or OIDC authentication can be performed on pre-configured demo apps:

Test users / passwords

testuser / testpass
testuser2 / testpass2
testuser3 /testpass3

Profile Page Endpoint

SimpleSAMLphp Profile Page is available at IdP / OP: http://idp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu/simplesaml/module.php/accounting/user/personal-data

Other Notable Endpoints

SimpleSAMLphp Admin area (password is TopSecret123): http://idp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu/simplesaml/admin
SimpleSAMLphp SAML IdP Metadata: http://idp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu/simplesaml/module.php/saml/idp/metadata
SimpleSAMLphp SAML SP Metadata: http://sp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata/default-sp
SimpleSAMLphp OIDC Configuration: http://idp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu/simplesaml/module.php/oidc/openid-configuration.php
SimpleSAMLphp OIDC Client Management: http://idp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu/simplesaml/module.php/oidc/admin-clients/index.php


* on each push to repository, static analysis and unit tests are run
* on each push to main branch, if analysis and unit test pass, SimpleSAMLphp accounting module on Test Deployment
(idp-1-incubator.hexaa.eu) is updated to the latest commit (in main) by using gitlab-runner

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