The GÉANT Multi-Domain Virtual Private Network (MD-VPN) service is a zero-touch VPN provisioning service that allows NRENs to quickly instantiate VPNs (typically, L3VPNs) spanning multiple domains.

MD-VPN provides an end-to-end international network service that enables researchers all over Europe to collaborate via a common private network infrastructure. The service delivers the security and reassurance of a VPN, with logical isolation of data services from general internet traffic and a seamless environment that minimises the effect of the firewall, ensuring high-throughput performance. MD-VPN offers fast delivery of VPNs to end users and so can be used in a variety of ways, from a long-term distributed multi-domain infrastructure with a high demand for intensive network usage (e.g. cloud providers, high-performance computing (HPC) centres) to quick point-to-point connections for a conference demonstration.

Based on the same infrastructure that delivers IP service to millions of academic users through NRENs and GÉANT, MD-VPN is robust, high capacity, secure and highly scalable.

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