This is information page of GN4-1-JRA3-T1 also known as the research task on Attributes and Authorisations in the Federated Identity Ecosystem.
If you have any questions or remarks: feel free to contact Maarten Kremers
The objectives of this research task are to:
- Further improving group management, by continuing work on VOOT specifications based on input from use-cases and extending additional group-aware applications with VOOT support.
- Increasing usefulness of groups, by introducing group awareness into appropriate cloud service middleware such as OpenStack.
- Putting the user in control by working on distributed and user controlled authorisation. Making collaboration and authorisation management platforms such as HEXAA and PERUN interoperate and contributing to the work on User Managed Access (UMA)
- Stimulate user-centricity for identity federations, by studying implications, benefits and costs of moving from an organization-centric identity management model to a (more) user-centric identity federation model such as provided by eduID developments in various federations.
The following people are part of this task
Affiliation | Name |
SURFnet | Maarten Kremers (Tasklead) |
CESNET | Michal Procházka |
CESNET | Slávek Licehammer |
GARR | Lalla Mantovani |
GARR | Marco Malavolti |
GARR | Andrea Biancini |
NIIF | Kristóf Bajnok |
NIIF /MTA-SZTAKI | Mihály Héder |
NORDUnet / Umeå Uni | Roland Hedberg |
NORDUnet / Umeå Uni | Rebecka Gulliksson |
RedIRIS / Uni Murcia | Alejandro Perez Mendez |
SWITCH | Christoph Graf |
SWITCH | Rolf Brugger |
In order to reach our goals the objectives are divided in the the following Work Items
- Distributed Authorisation
- User-Managed Access Controlled Attribute Service
- Towards User-Centric Identity Management Model: EduKEEP
Distributed Authorisation
- exploiting results from the HEXAA open call project and other initiatives around disturbed AuthZ.
- Standardisation / interoperability of these systems
- Delegation model of accessing the AA information
- Groups awareness for OpenStack
- Extend group-aware applications with VOOT
- Produce or stimulate implementations of VOOT
User-Managed Access Controlled Attribute Service
A Proof-of-Concep for a UMA controlled attribute service.
An application which would ultimately allows an user to control access to all her attributes in one place and can be used by SAML2 IdPs and AAs or OpenID Connect OPs as their attribute sources. The way the application is to be build, it will be build independent of the implementation of the IdP and AA. They all should be able to use the same attribute service. All that is need is a common API.
Towards User-Centric Identity Management Model: EduKEEP
- EduKEEP Documents on Google Drive (Access on request)
Question? / Remarks?
Please contact Maarten Kremers