The live web cam which is located on the Konginsplein in Amsterdam has been running for a decade in various shapes and forms.
The latest incarnation is a cloud based set-up which takes advantage of the new Youtube Live features to deliver the content.
This page describes the technical set-up.
Configuring the camera
The camera is an Axis Q1755, which is mounted outside our office on the 4th floor of Singel 468 in Amsterdam.
The streaming server will request an RTSP stream, which is done over TCP port 554. So make sure the port isn't firewalled off.
Important settings:
- Create a dedicated user on the Axis (System Options -> Security -> Users) that has only viewer permissions, and assign a password to it. Since it is a machine, you can go wild with pwgen -s 64 1.
- Make sure the RTSP server is enabled (System Options -> Network -> TCP/IP -> Advanced). The default port is 554.
- Audiop setting (Video & Audio -> Audio Settings): Half-duplex, AAC encoding, 16 KHz, 64 kbit/s.
- Enable audio (Video & Audio -> Video Stream -> Audio). This sounds obvious, but if you deselect this, Google will report "NO DATA".
Configuring the streaming server
The server is a VMware VM called, which runs Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and is located in the SURFnet datacenter in Amsterdam.
It runs Wowza Streaming Engine software (WSE). We have a perpetual license for the software.
Follow the instructions on and install WSE.
This howto explains how to configure WSE for YouTube live streams:
- Youtube Live will only be available on channels that have at least 100 subscribers