Attribute Requirements


If the IdP is connected to one of the R&E Federations but is not published in eduGAIN, then please advise the IdP operator to request their IdP to be published to the eduGAIN metadata.

IdPs that are not connected to an R&E federation, need to be in one of the eligible categories in order to be integrated on MyAccessID:

  • Recognised community platforms that require access to resources using MyAccessID;
  • High Performance Computing facilities which operate their Identity Management Systems.

If the IdP you wish to integrate is not connected to an R&E Federation and does not fit in any of the above categories, please contact us.

Supported Protocols

The IdP MUST support one of the following protocols:

  • OIDC
  • SAML2

Attribute release requirements

See Attribute Requirements for more information.

Level of Assurance requirements

See Level of Assurance Requirements for more information.

  • No labels