CORE allows you to ask for feedback from conference participants. You can ask participants general information about the conference as well have them rate the different presentations.
How does it work?
Go to Conferences/Edit and edit your conference. Here you have the option to send feedback codes to all participants or to a single email (use this for testing).
When using 'mail all participants', who receives the feedback invitation?
It is left to the developer to add the list of participants to CORE. In ./application/modules/core/models/Feedback.php::getParticipants
you have to provide the $participants array. Use the same format as the debug example. As an example of how CORE hooks into the TERENA registration system we use:
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini( APPLICATION_PATH.'/configs/web.ini', 'development' ); $db = Zend_Db::factory($config->resources->multidb->webshop); $query = "select fname, lname, email from vw_prodpart where product_id IN (57,58,59) and order_status NOT IN ('canceled', 'unpaid', 'pending', 'refund')"; $participants = $db->query($query)->fetchAll();
Every participant gets an email with a link containing a UUID. The link initializes their feedback session during which the UUID value is mapped to a feedback_id
. This id is used for authentication. Only users with a valid and existing UUID code can provide feedback.
See: Core_Model_Feedback::_init()
Presentation rating
Participants can rate presentations by using a simple star voting mechanism.
Conference rating
Participants can rate the conference and related services using the web forms.