AARNET, Australia
- Hindrik Buining, David Jericho, Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- ARNES is working on the project WLAN-2020 to offer wireless connection within the schools in the country, hiring consultants during the deployment phase. They are using Automator as the middleware and doing ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning)
- built the ARNES network service orchestration stack, automation based on Ansible
- https://geant.app.box.com/s/68pzsqbkbcx9683j8qybgoi5zlu7jhtz
Damir Regvart, Lidija Jakovčić, Silvije Milišić, CARNET OAV, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- CARNET is also working on a national project to offer wireless connection within the schools in the country (https://www.e-skole.hr/en/results/adequate-ict-infrastructure-in-pilot-schools/), with a network management system built by them (Management system for the educational system). CARNET does the network provisioning and monitoring through an API: https://geant.app.box.com/s/fji5tdbv2dhxlfed137kl7mj806mmi16
- See the lightning talk during the Network Management and Monitoring Workshop.
- Iacovos Ioannou. Active member of OAV working group of WP6-T2.
ESnet, USA
- John MacAuley, Service orchestration in ESnet6, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- Asko Hakala, Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring, Copenhagen, October 2019: https://wiki.geant.org/download/attachments/131629403/Funet%20Kampus%20Service.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1571047057236&api=v2.
- Kampus Service Project. All new customer provisioning is automated, with no manual configuration (only physical installation)
- Everything automated using Ansible, configuration stored in YAML files.
- Bram Peeters, Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV) in GÉANT, GN4-3 Future Service Strategy Workshop, Amsterdam, May 9, 2019 (pdf)
- Mian Usman, Orchestration and Automation, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- Tony Barber, 10th SIG-NOC meeting presentation
- GÉANT has automated the testbed setup for IP/MPLS type certification testing using the Robot framework and pyEZ. Version control using Gitlab. Using Ansible for the automation system, Saltstack for network devices and Jsnapy to collect operational status checks for before/after action comparison.
- Afrodite Sevasti, Orchestrating service delivery @GRNET, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- GRNET network automation stack consists of some internal (in house developed) tools for service/customer DB and network inventory.
- 10th SIG-NOC presentation: Event-driven automation and orchestration
- Eoin Kenny, Orchestration, Automation & Virtualisation BoF, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- HEANET runs the Schools Network and provides services to all the primary and secondary schools in Ireland (one router in each school). Approximately 4,000 routers access routes and 17 core and aggregation routers. Provisioning takes place by means of in-house developed scripts.
Internet2, USA
- Rob Vietzke, Automation, Orchestration & Virtualization Bo, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- LITNET is implementing WiFi access in schools as a major project. The sheer number of organizations will mandate automation. (https://www.litnet.lt/lt/vykdomi-projektai/rezultatai, in Lithuanian)
- CNaaS pilot (Campus Network Automation Software) with one of the Universities in Sweden (https://wiki.sunet.se/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30441624).
- Building the NMS/automation architecture
- Planning Zero Touch Provisioning in the near future and monitoring with NAV (developed by UNINETT).
- Presentations from SUNET during the Network Management and Monitoring Workshop: Outsourcing automation software architecture in SUNET and SUNET Lightning talk.
- Presentation during the 10th SIG-NOC meeting.
- https://github.com/SUNET/cnaas-nms.
- Migiel de Vos, Automation & Orchestration and Virtualisation at SURF, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- SURFnet has a service to deliver wifi connection to their connected institutions (Surfwireless as a Service, non-technical information in https://www.surf.nl/en/surfwireless-wifi-as-a-service)).
- SURFnet orchestrates and automates the tasks on the network through the SURFnet Automation & Orchestration platform. Orchestration is the heart of SURFNET8, with no CLI provisioning (See the presentations in the Network Management and Monitoring Workshop: https://wiki.geant.org/download/attachments/131629403/session2-monitoring-and-networkmanagement.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1571492257834&api=v2 and https://wiki.geant.org/display/PUB/Workshop+on+Network+Management+and+Monitoring?preview=/131629403/131634984/session1-monitoring-management-surfnet.pdf).
- 10th SIG-NOC meeting presentation.
- Everything automated, connecting blocks through standardised interfaces.
- Uninett is running a project to define and establish CNaaS (Campus Network Automation Software) from 2020. The service is already operational for a small pilot customer.
- UNINETT also developed NAV, which is software for automatic configuration of devices.
- The Monitoring and the Automation are done using NAV.
- Presentation from UNINETT during the Network Management and Monitoring Workshop.
- NAV: https://nav.uninett.no/#download
- https://github.com/Uninett/nav.