

  • Stefan Winter (RESTENA)
  • Stephanie Cooper (ANYROAM)
  • Philippe Hanset (ANYROAM)
  • Maja Górecka-Wolniewicz (PSNC)
  • Zenon Mousmoulas (GRNET)
  • Janos Mohacsi (KIFU)


  • Tomasz Wolniewicz (PSNC/UMK)

Agenda / Proceedings

  1. Welcome / Agenda Bashing
  2. Report on Wi-Fi Alliance member meeting
    • Attendance focus on security improvements
    • Venue showcased Passpoint (R1 and R2)
    • good hallway conversations regarding Passpoint configurations, both client-side and AP-side
    • if you want Aruba/HPE Passpoint R2 OSU config snippets, let Stefan know
    • LANCOM Systems to have R2 soon
  3. Passpoint, OpenRoaming: next steps brainstorming
    • tried to condense existing factoids into a sketch wiki page (nothing official, many items needing GeGC decisions)
    • see (URL not stable!)
    • with OpenRoaming moving very fast, we should get serious about a (sub)“brand name” for eduroam-but-not-on-own-hotspots
    • “eduroam via Passpoint” a bit generic and expresses no particular attitude
    • should express that no QoS is guaranteed and users should be happy for all service they get
      • eduroam Outpost
      • eduroam Hitchhiking/Hitchhiker
      • eduroam Multiverse
      • eduroam Buddy network
      • eduroam Detachment
      • eduroam …
      • eduroam Out There?
      • eduroam In The Wild?
      • eduroam Over The Rainbow?
      • eduroam partner
  4. CAT 2.0.3 planned to incorporate Passpoint changes
    • CAT: enable Passpoint settings for Windows (all EAP types), macOS, iOS (only EAP-TLS)
      • Enabling Passpoint for password-based EAP methods on Apple platforms at the expense of multiple prompts should be a profile configuration option for eduroam CAT?
    • Managed IdP: enable Passpoint settings for Windows, macOS and iOS (all EAP types)
    • since we missed start of semester & 2.0.2, have some leeway to get these things in in a mini-update
  5. AOB / Next VC
    • 12 nov 1530 CET
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