Library users are ideal users for R&E collaboration services and e-infrastructures
If library users are provided with digital identities, they can easily access to collaboration services and e-infrastructures
Thanks to eduGAIN, libraries can rely on many federated services among publishers
Not-federated publishers are still running
Libraries want an easy to use and direct access to publishers
Libraries don’t want their users need to tackle with complex and not clear procedures
AARC works to overcome ip-based authN/Z, but still many libraries rely on it
Many libraries still don’t rely on federated access towards publishers
Contracts with publishers don’t foresee duty for publishers about federated access
What AARC is doing for libraries?
Identify which are in Europe the Bodies that at National level make Negotiation of Electronic Resources ( )
Collect in each country 2-3 libraries happy to collaborate with AARC to provide requirements and to pilot use cases
Compare how federated access towards publishers is working from different European countries ( )
Compare clauses on federated access in license contracts in order to drive towards an harmonization at European level
Produce a value proposition on federated identity for decision makers in libraries with focus on the library use case
Training for libraries on the library use case
Still open issues detected by Liber
Libraries are currently subscribing a wide range of electronic resources mainly e-journals, databases and e-books, from many different providers. The situation is complex and differs significantly from one institution to another, but especially among countries, regions or language communities.
Publishers are often reluctant to offer federated access if there is not a critical mass of clients that demands that; they are enforcing libraries to remain on IP-based access models.