Currently we are just listing the current validator warnings
Global warnings
- Signing certificate expired
- Some SP does not provide requested attribute specification– chyba można pominąć, bo pojawiają się te warningi na poziomie role
- md:EntitiesDescriptor element does not contain the ID attribute which should be used in signature’s ds:Reference bez sensu bo przecież ID musi być z powodu reference w podpisie
- Some entities do not have an encryption certificate
- Some SP entities do not have an encryption certificate
- Some SP does not provide requested attribute specification to wszystko jest wymienione na poziomie role
Warnings on entity level
- md:EmailAddress in md:ContactPerson element should start with mailto: prefix
- SIRTFI attribute present and security contact found but no http://refeds.org/metadata/contactType/security contactType
- assurance-certification entity attribute is defined, but no appropriate md:ContactPerson set
- md:EmailAddress for md:ContactPerson not found
- shibmd:Scope with no regexp attribute
- mdattr:EntityAttributes placed in md:Extensions element of SPSSODescriptor/IDPSSODescriptor, expected in md:Extensions element of EntityDescriptor
- mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy not found
- mdrpi:RegistrationInfo element defined more than once within a given md:Extensions element
- mdattr:EntityAttributes element contains saml:AttributeValue with leading/trailing whitespaces
- mdattr:EntityAttributes element appears more than once within a given md:Extensions element
Warnings on entity’s role level:
- mdui:PrivacyStatementURL does not start with http:// https://
- Data Protection Code of Conduct declared but no mdui:PrivacyStatementURL found
- mdui:GeolocationHint should start with geo: prefix
- mdui:UIInfo not found, no mdui:DisplayName and mdui:Description present
- mdui:UIInfo with mdui:DisplayName found but mdui:Description not present
- mdui:UIInfo found but mdui:DisplayName not present
- mdui:UIInfo found but neither mdui:DisplayName nor mdui:Description present
- mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element
- this SP does not provide requested attribute specification
- CoCo declared but md:RequestedAttribute element not found
- CoCo declared but mdui:PrivacyStatementURL and md:RequestedAttribute elements not found