eduroam development VC, 15 may 2018, 1530 CEST


Pedro Simões, FCCN
Mike Zawacki, Internet2
Zenon Mousmoulas, GRNET
Louis Twomey, HEAnet
Philippe Hanset, ANYROAM
Chad Bauer, ANYROAM
Stephanie Cooper, ANYROAM 
Ingimar Jonsson, RHnet
Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz, PSNC

Reimer Karlsen-Masur, DFN-CERT Services GmbH, eduPKI (call me in, should you need me)
G.J. Ayres, Swansea University

Agenda / Proceedings

1) Welcome, agenda bashing 

2) eduroam Managed IdP update to alpha2 
   * enforces email support address 

3) Google Maps billing, consequence for eduroam maps 
   - Google Maps API v3 will require a billing contact and an APIKEY in the future
   - details:
   - if you were using v3 without APIKEY you have enjoyed a grandfathering which will likely go away
   - so either bring your Google Maps usage up to current, or discontinue use of Maps
   - CAT 2.0 has a minimalistic abstraction framework, and will likely ship by default with code independent from Google - OpenLayers, using OpenStreetMap as a backend
   - if someone feels like coding other backends (Microsoft Bing, OpenStreetMap direct, ... ) we are happy to take your pull requests on GitHub
   - OpenStreetMap is slower than Google Maps (tile loading). Setting up our own tile server is probably a large overkill for just CAT - but maybe a GEANT instance for all of GEANT purposes
   - Zenon to find out the URL and T&C of the GRnet tile server; we might use that
4) preparing for CAT 2.0 beta1 in "a few weeks" 
   - please test alpha2 versions <-- classic CAT deployment, per-inst profiles, copy of prod CAT of a few weeks ago - i.e. all your data is there <-- eduroam Managed IdP
   - and/or translate to your language 
   - admin API coding finished, will be in beta1 
     rudimentary documentation at
   - Android integration
   - stress test of current code with API 
     1 M users, full lifecycle including installer generation and pickup, with 50 concurrent threads took 6h on Stefans dev server (8 vCPUs, 1G RAM).
   - possible optimisation in the fed admin "new inst" popup - allow better sorting/access to institution names in the dropdown list
   - Stefan recapped the eduroam SP proxy update situation (SSP 1.15 discontinuing the use of old-style ePTIDs) - NROs should work with their IdPs to update their SAML software if they can't log into CAT (or any other Operations Support Service) any more
5) AOB, next VC 
   29 may 2018, 1530 CEST

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