Thursday 30th January 2025
- Compendium workshop due Month 15 - collocate with EGI
- Information Gathering
- WP5 to participate in the AARC TREE meeting at TIIME
- Hannah to contact participants to get a concrete name
- Sally to contact Ilaria to confirm EGI workshop
- Sally invite people to next meeting, Feb 25 14:00 - 15:00 CET
- Sally & Hannah to prepare a list of questions about the Compendium, e.g. website hosting etc.
Discussion points
- Compendium as simple as possible
- Audience: Research Infrastructures
- Flow chart - decision making tree - self-hosted or outsourced
- Self-hosted
- Outsourcing (part of it)
- Options
- Possible link to the OSCARS project? Beta testers of the
- September 2024
- September 2025 - location TBC
- ‘Faculty eduPersonAffiliation in token’. for EOSC discussion
Compendium - Website
- Tending towards a website
- Maintenance afterwards ?
- Help with visuals? Possibly Ilaria, possibly Dariah
- CERN: Hannah
- DARIAH: Sally, Michael, Laure (Matej, Tibor)
- Check other partners: Géant - 1 PM; Nikhef - 1 PM; GRnet - 1 PM; EGI - 1 PM; CERN - 2 PM; Masarykova Univerzita - 1 PM; Surf - 1 PM; KIT - 1 PM; CSC - 1 PM; DARIAH - 2 PM; STFC - 1 PM; Paul Scherrer Institut - 1 PM