- Chrome: log in as admin to eventr-int
- Add a new event and supply name/date/description/location leave tags blank. Press 'create event
- ADMIN: Edit event and add a text field question to 'register' - "Do you bring a dog?" Update event
- Click on subscribe, note that question is there under 'register'. Fill in registration 'Christian Gijtenbeek' and answer 'YES'
- Click on event to get to details page. Show two registrants and explain "details" button. Click on it.
- Two users (Fozzie and Christian)
- Explain 'By User' column and edit/delete columns
- Go back to event overview page and click subscribe
- Subscribe Dick Visser and fill in 'yess' click on subscribe.
- Go to root. Explain the other way to get to subscribe details page by clicking the nr in the subscriptions column. Click it (should say 3)
- Explain discrepancy in 'Do you bring a dog' column "yes" and "yess"
- Solve this by editing the event and create a new question "check box: Do you bring a dog"? Make it required And REMOVE the OLD dog question
- Click on subscribe, and register John Dyer. Back on overview page click on the subscription number (should read 4)
- Explain that the answer is now consistent - it is either "true" or "false".
- Explain about different questions for different regoptions.
- Again go back to event edit and under 'remote participation' add the question "text area: Anything we should know about your MCU?"
- Subscribe and show that question appears ONLY under 'remote particpation'
Grouping of events
- Create new event GN3 Symposium", no location, date far ahead, registration "OPEN" register and apologize and remote participate enabled
- Close registration from two random events at the top (Maybe do this BEFORE DEMO!)
- Click checkbox before the two events
- Click 'group'
- Link to 'GN3 Symposium'
- Click on Subscribe
Room for improvements
- Use tagging for 'interest groups'. We can tag events 'security' and find all users who are interested in security.
- Develop module for paid events (to make webshop obsolete)