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Study on AAA


Platforms For Scientific Resources in Europe

In December 2011, a consortium of four partners and a number of external experts was awarded a contract by the European Commission to carry out a study into AAA (authentication, authorisation and accounting) platforms and services for scientific resources. The study, led by TERENA, was concluded in September 2012.   

The  AAA Study report is now available as pdf, awaiting final approval by the European Commission (EC).The final approved version will replace this downloadable document.


The goal of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of delivering an integrated Authentication and Authorisation (and possibly accounting) Infrastructure , (AAI, ) to help the emergence of a robust platform  platform (Scientific Data Infrastructure(SDI)) for access to and preservation of scientific information.

The targeted actors in the study are were the research and education communities, information service providers (data centres, libraries) and e-Infrastructure providers.      


  1. Collection use-cases to derive the AAI requirements;
  2. Evaluation of existing AA Infrastructure as AAI as well as their gap analisys to identify their strenght strengths and their challangeschallenges. The legal aspects of the different AAIs was also assessed.


The recommendations highlight the following priorities:

  • the The general assumption confirmed by this study is that an AAI for SDI should be built on standard technologies, using mechanisms to translate between various authentication and authorisation technologies, and that federated access plays an important role;
  • to To fully benefit from federated access, more funding is needed to improve the reach of national identity federations in research an education;
  • further Further research is needed to enhance authorisation and accounting mechanisms;
  • a A common policy and trust framework for identity management is needed, as well as clarity on data protection laws – these should be coordinated at European level;
  • relevant Relevant organisations such as eIRG, REFEDS (Research and Education Federations), IGTF, the EC and consortia of libraries and data centres should all work towards these goals.
