

  • Anne-Gabrielle, DLAPiper
  • Magdalena
  • Valter
  • Pål
  • Mikael


Discussion items

- known codes of conduct

   * Austria has an approved national code

   * no known European codes approved


- latest CoCo version

   * shared with GEANT community: 10 January 2019

   * 12 February 2019 version covering an agreement on IO’s competent court was never shared widely


- self-assesments

   * self assessment might be a sufficient monitoring mechanism

   * AG suggest to complement it with a mechanism to trigger an active audit e.g. by the monitoring body


- CoCo and monitoring body

   * CoCo does not need to have the name of the monitoring body

   * AG thinks we need to propose the monitoring body together with the CoCo to the DPA to get them approved/accredited

   * the explanatory memorandum should cover them both


- resources of the monitoring body

   * AG: GEANT needs to be prepared to demonstrate its resources for monitoring are sufficient.


- Meeting with Dutch DPA

   * DLAPiper has contacts with the Dutch DPA and will contact them

   * Dutch DPA is efficient

   * AG does not encourage to use the UK DPA because of Brexit

   * we should have the explanatory memorandum finished to have a fruitful discussion


- latest explanatory memorandum:


Action items

  1. DLAPiper will contact Dutch DPA for a meeting (by the end of the week)
  2. DLAPiper will update the CoCo

      * updates for International Organisations

      * removal of mentioning GEANT association as the monitoring body

      * description of the 3-layer monitoring approach   (Mikael to provide material to AG on the assessment tool)

  1. We to update the explanatory memorandum

            * Magdalena? to describe GEANT association’s qualifications as the monitoring body


- next call: not agreed, depends on the Dutch DPA answer