This page describes how to install Identity Hub service on a Virtual Machine by using Ansible and its GIT repository.

It is aimed to technical people who want to deploy a clean installation of Identity Hub in a new environment or to update an existing one.

In case of questions, please contact


Prerequisites for running the deployment:

  •     Ansible >= 
  •     Pip 
  •     GIT 

Retrieving Identity Hub source

Source code of the deployment playbook is available at: The production branch is "master". Actually, this repository is not public.

Clone recursively
$ git clone


To prepare a new platform, there are some directory and files to prepare:

  • group_vars/<group_name>/secrets.yml: this file should be encrypted by ansible-vault. 
  • inventory/<group_name>/teip.yml: this file contains identity hub IP address.
  • playbook/teipservers.yml: 
  • group_vars/<group_name>/certs/: This directory must keep all certificates and keys
  • group_vars/<group_name>/logos/: This directory must keep all idp logos

  • No labels