
FoD Pilot 

Start Date:

Preparations for the pilot started in October 2017, the users are on-boarded to the pilot in October 2017.

End Date:

Expected end date for pilot is beginning of February 2018.

Pilot Description:

The pilot should test FoD version 1.5 especially its new features including:

  • traffic filtering based on the specification of port ranges
  • traffic filtering statistics

The pilot will include GEANT security team and the following NRENs: RedIRIS, LITnet and EEnet. 

Pilot Category: Technology / Service 

This is a technology pilot, with its focus on the new features that are present in FoD v 1.5 and were not available in the current production version FoD v1.1.

Required Infrastructure:

The infrastructure that is needed for the pilot includes:

  • Three servers with pre-installed FoD v1.5 version enabled; two for testing and development and the other one accessible from the pilot users. The servers are provided by the GEANT security and IT teams and supported by JRA2 T6 team
  • End-user testing equipment - participating NRENs will ensure this equipment for themselves

Pilot participants are welcome to contact JRA2 T6 team members: Evangelos Spatharas ( and David Schmitz ( about the pilot.

Current pilot participants include the following NREN representatives:

  • Indrek Rokk (EEnet)
  • Francisco Monserrat Coll (RedIRIS)
  • Milda Mimiene (LITnet)


FoD direct users are NOC and/or CERT engineers that implement the rules, and secondarily NRENs and any GÉANT project participating organisation.

Three NRENs participate in the pilot: RedIRIS, LITnet and EEnet.  

Objectives and means of verification:

The list of objectives, critical success factors and the means of its verification is provided in the attached xls sheet.

FoD 1.5. - KPIs_2017_09.xlsx

Communication plan:

The communication with pilot participants is currently organised directly between the two T6 participants and NRENs' representatives.

Additional documentation:

  • No labels