Task 2: Non web AAI developments


Existing AAI infrastructures currently only support Web Single Sign-on (SAML based federations/eduGAIN) or Network Single Sign-on (eduroam). This task will develop capabilities to meet a wider range of non-web use cases. Objectives include:

  • Concluding pilot of Moonshot technology, and packaging it as a service to be transitioned to production, as appropriate.
  • Developing a footprint of ECP capability.
  • Taking in research results from JRA3 that support non-web, especially in the mobile field, and developing them towards a service capability.

Work Plan

Work item number


Work item title

Work item description



This work item will complete the piloting of the Moonshot technology by focussing it into a service package complete with policy aspects, identifying the required service delivery model and cost-sharing model to reach a pan-European audience, finalising a business case and supporting wider deployment.



This work item will investigate the conditions needed for a wider deployment of ECP functionality, including if appropriate, by engaging with the providers of common applications to include it as a default option.


Other non web

This work item will take on results from JRA3 in the areas of open ID Connect etc., especially with a view to developing best practice information in the area of mobile integration.


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