Scope of survey

This short survey is designed to grab basic information about services and products ready for service transition phase.

Please create your own copy of this survey and then complete it.

Beta version - your feedback will help us to improve it!

Basic information
Service name
Web page
Contact person
GÉANT 4 Activity and Task


Project lifetime

Operational model

Please, provide operational model 

Service users and operators

Type of end-users

Number of current users:

Expected number of users:


Project documentation, including product description (CBA, BC, PID, ...) and technical documentation (admin/user/dev guide)

User support

User communication channels:

  • mailing lists
  • ...

Learning resources:

  • FAQ
  • ...



Software Stack

Please, list each software used in service (provide name, URL, type: in-house/external, issue tracker link):

Operational procedures

Backup procedures

Security procedures

Other procedures

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. From the kick-off meeting discussion - we should try to get some concrete data about the software stack of a service, trying to identify e.g. if a software is developed internally, externally (off-the-shelf) or in an other way.