April 7th at 14:00 CET
Host: Pasi Häkkinen
- Terena TNC2010 BoF
- needed arrangements
- who will attend
- Wiki redesign (public versus private content)
- only frontpage is now public
- proposal of the wiki structure according to our previous discussion (thanks Johnny for restructuring the wiki!)
- upcoming AC 7.5 SP1
- new addin allready available
- Feature Requests & Bug List
- updates
Tuesday 1.june Tuesday AC BoF 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday 3. june BoF on Collaboration 14:00 - 17:30
-To gain visibility
-Define directions
-prepared topics in advance
-open discussion
Atnedees on AC BoF: (ORG:Matjaz, Jan)
Jan, Matjaz, Thorkild, Vicente, Andy, Niels,
Collaboration BOF - thursday (ORG:Niels, Kovacs)
Matjaz, Thorkild, Jan,
Prepare bullets for both BoFs
- how to edit feature requests and bug list? freely or after meeting?
If you have new request open new request, we then discuss new requests on ACmeeting
Prepare personal feature requests/bug list. - Google docs for voting on requests. Johnny will define rates for voting and check the doodle option.
- German AC group
Kathrin will publish their feature requestshttp://connectusers.com/groups/academic/index.php - Is it time to step forward to Adobe with requests? Should we invite John Schumann on next AC meeting - His nick on Connect users is Evangelist?
No final agreement on that jet!!!
AC 7.5 SP1
- new addin is obligatory
- Thorkild contacted Adobe on which Addin is allowed (have to change swf)
there is an option to redirect users to download page
Feature requests
- Matjaz will send API for deleting old content
- have to refine feature requests on next meeting to be ready for Adobe
Contact with Adobe
- need info before version 8 - add as feature request
- Johnny warned Adobe that we weren't beta testers for 7.5
- Mr Schumman was invited to sunnets meeting (beginning of may) http://www.meetings.sunet.se/events-e-meeters-meeting.php?lang=en
Vicente will start new PHP portal (Matjaz and Jan offered help)
next meeting
host:Olivier Jeger
date: before TNC
we invite Adobe after TNC (probably mr. Schumann before??) no final decision jet!!!
Chat Transcript
Nathalie Roth: (14:15) 1.5 hours is a bit long
Jan Ruzicka: (14:15) tnc2010.terena.org - schedule Tuesday - EACU,Thursday - Collaboration
Vicente (UVigo.es): (14:17) Good point
Kathrin: (14:27) mine too.
Matjaz Batic (ARNES): (14:29) [http://tnc2010.terena.org/schedule/index.php?showday=2010-06-03]
Jan Ruzicka: (14:31) +1
Vicente (UVigo.es): (14:32) +1
Jan Ruzicka: (14:45) or we can use Foodle
Pasi Häkkinen: (14:46) Doodle clone
Jan Ruzicka: (14:46) foodle.feide.no
Jan Ruzicka: (14:50) [http://onnectusers.com/groups]
Jan Ruzicka: (14:50) [http://onnectusers.com/groups/academic.index.php]
Jan Ruzicka: (14:50) correction [http://connectusers.com/groups/academic/index.php]
Jan Ruzicka: (14:51) but its adobe hosted and chaired
Peter szegedi: (15:03) Register to the EACU BoF at TNC: [http://www.terena.org/events/details.php?event_id=1692]
Johnny Widén (SUNET): (15:05) [http://www.meetings.sunet.se/events-e-meeters-meeting.php?lang=en]
Vicente (UVigo.es): (15:07) +1
Vicente (UVigo.es): (15:07) Thank you very much !
Jan Ruzicka: (15:08) probably we ca do someting together - if we have common requirements
Jan Ruzicka: (15:08) really bad sound
Robert Andersson - Dalarna University: (15:08) The audio is not so good
Vicente (UVigo.es): (15:08) Crispy audio here
Vicente (UVigo.es): (15:11) fine
Robert Andersson - Dalarna University: (15:13) I agree