Alessandra Scicchitano, Ralph Niederberger, Stephane Coutin, Thilina Pathirana, Magda Haver

This is first meeting of SBOD Working Group, the goal is to define the scope, work plan and timeline.
Stephane - we should focus on phase 1, and reevaluate. Alessandra has created a google doc (problem statement, scope and work plan).

WISE presence:
- a Bof at TNC -  update on working groups. Alessandra to send link to registration page. By June -have first milestone and workplan defined.
- XSEDE conference in Miami (18 July 2016). Stephane will check internally if can join. We would like to involve more people from the States.
- Digital Infrastructures for Research 2016 event in September in Cracow Poland - WISE is looking into holding a workshop there on 27 September.

Alessandra would like to create a plan for phase 1 with deadlines

1 State of art
2 White paper

White paper - suggestion to infrastructures on how to deal with security issues. Make a list - what people are phasing already, then do white paper with findings, direction and next steps. Ongoing projects about data flowing from one infrastructure to another. WISE is about making e-infratructures to collaborate to exchange data. Make a list of security issues and analyse the solutions.

We should make list of steps we can do and describe each step in a short paragraph  - what we mean by it and what we intend to do. For now - google doc. List and analysis of all the different approaches from different infrastructures.


- define what is scope and what out of scope
- data - what is big and open data for us
- analysis of different approaches
- what is most relevant for our work
- data flow

Alessandra will put words around the steps.

Please fill in doodle for next call:


WISE home:

(Need to figure out eduGAIN access for everyone on the list).

How often to have VCs? Every 2 weeks?

Next call - please fill in the doodle poll
(only morning times, as Alessandra wil be in Taipei)

Ralph sent an email to the list showing "what's the big data".

Stephane: how many people will we have in WG? so far 6. The list is open;

**Action for next meeting. Come up with a clear definition of what is big and open data for us and with a clear understanding of what is in scope and what out of scope.
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