
Valentino Cavalli (VC), Acting Secretary General
Vincente Goyanes (VG)
David Groep (DG)
Yannis Mitsos (YM)
Valter Nordh (VN), VP Technical Programme & TTC chairman
Michael Nowlan (MN), CTO
Esther Robles (ER)
Peter Schober (SP)
John Dyer (JD)
Nicole Harris (NH)
Brook Schofield (BS)
Peter Szegedi (PS)
Nadia Sluer (NS)

Notes of the discussions at the TTC meeting on the 19th February 2014. These notes are relatively unstructured but represent comments or statements that were made during the meeting. These notes are provided as background for the meeting and not as a record of decisions or agreements.
3. Challenges in and out of our areas, NRENs and user communities that are using our services
David Groep

  • A call for more technical coherency and closer coordination for end-user facing services – close that last mile problem!
  • Universities would like to feel part of the solution, would like somebody from the NREN taking responsibility, but the end users would like to be part of end user resolutions. Close partnership between the NRENs and universities.
  • Barrier to offer high-end services at scale might be money – when money invested elsewhere or lack of infrastructure underpinning the service
  • Problem focuses in the network layers services, not in middleware.
  • Eduroam is good example where it did work
  • Researchers move around. Unis more transient than research infrastructures

Vincente Goyanes

  • It legal advice IP creative commons and logos, copyright, new laws, cookies, national, EU and worldwide. Use of copyright lectures, including small chunks of external material. First sanctions are coming in Spain. Complicated environment. Maybe an opportunity for a "legal stream"
  • Open projects mentorship – help with licences, tools for project website, community
  • building tools, wikis, jira type tools, fostering participation/contributions
  • Resource sharing/trading – build backup datacentre, resource sharing broker, (us - NRENs), share infrastructure services.

Comments: Resource sharing model will work – people in the community are willing to share. Challenge is how to find the right partners
Esther Robles

  • One of the big issues where we are collaborating, providing support, is the Software-Defined networking technology. Some think it is a total revolution and others that is a technology that will not mature enough to go into production. It would be interested to know other's views and to explore if some service could be defined using this technology in a multi-domain network context.
  • Mobile APPs. I have heard sometimes from my colleagues at Universities about launching an initiative to coordinate and share these developments. Not sure if TERENA can play some role here.
  • Sensor networks. We have internally discussed sometimes about challenges for NRENs when facing issues as security, mobility. For such kind of networks, for massive deployment of such kind of networks.
  • And thinking about sensor networks I remembered the ASPIRE study, as includes some references to sensor networks. This report includes deeply studies on four topics that were considered of significant impact on the future of NRENs. For each topic, the experts identified "issues" and "recommendations" and I wonder if we can really move some recommendation from "paper" to real work and play an active role? I think that for some (cloud) there is already work ongoing ... but maybe in others, there are still place for improvements. I am not an expert on these issues, but I have tried to select some

•Some of the priority have been formally identified in the activity plan

  • Aspire study: Valid point. Lots of activities have been identified in the TERENA activity plan as priority. JD will send a summary to the GEANT board to get recommendations included in GN4

Yannis Mitsos

  • Cloud – 2011 in the TAC, interesting but generic presentation, no actual issues. 2 movements' SURFnet, GRnet, building something on their own. Cloud is a buzzword, many NRENs have made no movement, coordinate best practice, implement something – combination of brokerage
  • Software defined networks SDN, data centre issues, migrate VMs, proposal conflicts with GEANT activities.
  • Consulting requirement by NRENs, ipv6 transition plan by GRNET, there must be other advanced areas, some NRENs could provide consultancy across NRENs. Sharing expertise, building a database
  • National observatory of Athens, sentinel satellites, spoke to ESA, lack of communication between EU research community and the likes of ESA etc., establish liaison between the NRENs and the research organisations

Peter Schober

  • Global identity infrastructure… waiting to happen, built infrastructure, risk-oriented not service oriented CIOs
  • We know we don't solve "the whole problem
  • Uptake of AAI, width and depth – not just a token acceptance
  • Challenges of getting new services out there
  • Be aware of a long uptake.

Peter Szegedi

  • Nrenum.net – PSTN turn off, how the switch off of the PST will affect the NRENs relationship between telco and NREN

Nicole Harris

  • Leadership role in IPv6
  • TERENA Greenhouse
  • Cloud security in a post Snowden world

Brook Schofield

  • Advice and guidance
  • Management vs innovation
  • Make recommendation, on service lifecycle, retire services, based on technology, replaced by new technology


  • Make recommendations, retire services based on new technologies.
  • Is it about services or innovation?
  • should be continuing thing
  • not only focus on service, but also on exposing the service; dissemination: we are failing into rolling out part of the innovation
  • Services map; developing, running sharing services on joint procurement

4.Planning the agenda for the TAC meeting on 19th of May 09:00-12:30.
The following areas have been identified as topics on the TAC agenda
1 Security, "call to arms", privacy concerns, Privacy concerns and security post Snowden
The Snowden fallout on NRENs
Applications, services, networks, encryption of services and applications, enabling user-end service encryption
2 Collaboration, proposal question to the community, a common body moves forward in enabling expertise exchange between NRENs technical, legal, copyright, technical consultancy, resource sharing trading platform. Market place. How to make it easier to share expertise and services, identify and remove obstacles. Sharing rack space, hosting DNS, MCU, IPv6 expertise, collaboration platform.
3 Service Management
Service lifecycle, "why are you running (and investing in) obsolete services.
Recommendation, readiness challenge
Are you running all the right services you need to operate to make your pan-European users happy?
Moving on from your obsolete services
Keeping your user services innovative
6.Task Force joint activities, feedback from 2014 joint events (Zurich) and planning for 2015
Feedback from the joint task force, experiment with holding joint task force meetings in Zurich. Organisation wide there are no synergies, more logistics, no time saved, would have to be centrally funded, cannot rely on a host. Meetings went well, maybe benefit in bringing smaller task forces together, EMC2 and MNM already cooperate. Need dates now, proper event organiser, not community arranged.
Value and benefits, manage expectations, couldn't really communicate together, OpenSpace doesn't work everywhere, maybe expecting too much from a 2 hour meeting. PM helpful, maybe not need to repeat the experience,
Is there a need for cross fertilisation, people felt there was a value in having people together.
Have run the meetings with mixed success, there may be a better way to achieve cross-fertilisation than the joint meeting.
This was a recommendation from last year's TAC meeting. We have run the meeting, but we have to rethink the format for the next time. Cross fertilization is important, but as a whole the TF joint meetings were not a success. (Action point Michael to find the right wording to report to the TAC]
TF-CSIRT – the volume of the TF-CSIRT has grown to such extend that logistic-wise it is putting too much pressure on the host. Recommendation is to do it again in 2015 but only if funded by TERENA and when tried to bring in non-technical task forces as well
EMC2 + storage - The 2 groups did not synergize because of different mind sets and communication levels and the limited time to manage this. Recommendation is to send only 2 or 3 people from one task force to the other task force meeting to enhance conversation, rather than mixing full groups. This will bring enough common ground for cross fertilization
TF_MSP/CPR successfully brought new topics in marketing and collaborations with gn3plus environmental team.
7.TERENA activity reporting
Open Educational Resource pilot (Peter)
PS presented on the rationale behind the OER proposal. Make metadata available.
Extra value, deep search of metadata, licensing issues, assurance on quality of data.
PS: sceptical about long term success, there are prior examples. What does success mean for us in this, lots of aggregators out there but they are not being used by the academics. Measure success as professors finding resources in the repository and using them in their teaching. How should be the user experience in order to engage professors? No guaranteed success of this project.
Taxonomy classification is vital in the project. Who gets to decide what a learning object is? Use friendly repositories to defining taxonomy and what is a learning object.
Must define how success of the project is measured. Improving the end user usability, enriching them by getting them in contact with other repositories.
Define what is expected from the output.
Conclusion- positive project, need clear definition of the outcomes of the project, measure success define key factors or measures.
Vincente abstains from formal vote because of a conflict of interest.

Post-It notes & voting from TAC brainstorming
Collaboration proposal/q Votes: 1,1,1,1
IT-legal advice
Form technical consulting groups
Resource sharing/ trading platform
Explicit Tech requirement for homogeneous. services?
"TEG" TERENA/ TECH experts group
Security Votes: 1,2,2,1,1
SHA-1 to SHA-256 "Research -> Action"
TCS is required. Buy or get an alternative NOW
Security post SNOWDEN
Service management, recommendation, readiness, challenge Votes: 1,2,2,2,2
"Cold" Topics > Things you should be doing now if you don't already
Mapping of technology deployment and services
Service MAPs
Stability vs. Innovation. Taking — of the — tail + doing the NEW stuff
Cloud 1,2
Collaboration on Cloud
IPV6 – no votes
IPv6/IPv4 turn off TERENA role in pushing adoption
IPv6 act now
Federations – no votes
SAML2 WebSSO Deploy
Inter federation "Pilot"
SDN - 2
SDN Networks/ Current state/ Future services
PSTN/Telco – no votes
PSTN Turn Off. NRENum.net
Telco-NREN partnership
Outliers – no votes
Valter to give lightning talk "The results of TAC"
ASPIRE report. Active role to implement recommendations
Analyse the sensor network needs
Easier to request PAN-European Services at ORG level for researchers
Cluster 1 – no votes
Data Storage and open accessibility
For PAN-European services mandate TECH and ORG consistency
Explore EU scientific area for synergies
Make requesting services available to individuals and researchers
How to cover last mile to individual researchers
Cluster 2 – no votes
Project nursery/ mentoring/ building
Open project mentorship
Coordinate and sharing apps for mobiles
TERENA software greenhouse

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