Agenda & Slides

Progress of the GÉANT (SIG-TNE)   Slides (PPTX)

Jisc, United Kingdom (Emma Atthawes)

This session will cover an overview of the TNE workplan and its main four workstreams: - TNE data – regional, national and global - Global TNE policies - Technology barriers and TNE service development - Tools, toolkits and resources. Participants will be asked for their input in these areas.


Results of the European NRENs educational activities and services survey  Slides (PPTX)

GÉANT (Gyöngyi Horváth ) 

3.  AOB


Jane Gifford, (AARnet), Jack Suess (Internet2 / University of Michigan), Bella Gao (CERNET), Emma Athawes (Jisc), Sigita Jurkynaite (GÉANT), Baoyu Wang (Jisc), Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT), Yousef Torman (ASREN), Luz Miriam Diaz Patigno (RENATA)

Apologies: Esther Wilkinson (Jisc), Claudio Allocchio (GARR), Alexander van den Hil (SURF)


What is the benefit for an NREN? It would be beneficial to have a short intro regarding the value of TNE for other NRENs prepared.
NREN resource pack to be added to the wiki page of SIG-TNE

UNESCO - explore collaboration possibilities

TNE resource pack discussion - Will this be updated regularly?

Isn’t it more beneficial for universities to focus on providing remote enrollment?

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