Aggregated Alarm Screen

Message Detail and Action Screen

Argus example

Argus - Alarm Aggregation and Correlation Tool

Argus is a tool for NOCs and service centers to aggregate incidents from all their monitoring applications into a single, unified dashboard and notification system. Most NOCs will, out of necessity, use a myriad of applications to monitor their infrastructure and services. In turn, they need to contend with manually managing notification profiles and monitoring dashboards in each individual application. Argus mitigates these scenarios by providing the NOC with a singular overview of actionable incidents, and by providing a single point of notification configuration.

Argus is agnostic of the details of each monitoring application, but instead provides a REST API to report new incidents, and to search, fetch or update the status of already registered incidents. Glue services for several source applications already exist, and more can be easily written using the documented API and/or existing API client libraries for Python. Incidents are associated with a source application and can be tagged with arbitrary metadata from the source application, including URLs to drill down into incident details in the source application. Metadata can be used to make arbitrary incident filters, which can be applied both in the dashboard UI and in notification profiles. Mechanisms also exist to add acknowledgements to incidents, and to link incidents with tickets in the NOC’s ticketing application. The data model even supports registering inter-relationships between incidents. Notifications via e-mail,  SMS, Microsoft Teams and Slack are supported. An Argus user can set up their own personal notification profile.

Argus has been proven useful in providing a distinct interface between individual product teams and the organization’s NOC when it comes to defining which monitoring alerts should be handled by the NOC, and which ones the product teams will handle themselves.

Argus is open source and is mainly developed by resources from Sikt (Norway), and is currently in production use at Sikt, SUNET (Sweden) and REANZZ (New Zealand). There is an ongoing collaboration with GÉANT implementing a more flexible front-end and API. The goal is to make Argus adaptable to support the GÉANT NOC’s workflow in particular, and a variety of workflows in general.

Argus explained 

Argus documented 

Available integrations

Read more about Argus integrations here.

Glue services:

  • NAV
  • Juniper MIST
  • Aruba cloud
  • Nagios (developed by SUNET, beta available)
  • Prometheus (developed by REANZZ)
  • Zabbix (planned)

Ticket system integrations:

Argus history

Argus started as a student development project at Sikt (or Uninett at the time) in 2019. It grasped the GÉANT GN4-3 project's attention in 2020 and has since been co-funded under Work Package 6 (GN4-3 in 2020-2022, GN5-1 in 2023-2024, GN5-2 from 2025). It was classified as a GÉANT production ready system in October 2022. Sikt has currently 5 developers working on Argus spending about 1 FTE per year on development. In addition there is a collaboration (and funding) with WP9 where the goal is to make Argus meet the requirements of the GÉANT NOC. This collaboration has triggered a development of a new front-end that will be more configurable and able to support a variety of work flows.

Argus presentations

Questions and support

Argus is supported by Sikt on a best-effort basis, with funding from GÉANT.

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