

Type of work




Original proposal

W3C Verifiable Credentials (VC) are increasingly important to our community with the rise of Decentralized Identity and Wallet ecosystems. Several VC based credential definitions already exist for expressing skills and micro-credentials, like e.g. the Openbadges 3.0 specification. However, there is no consistent and community driven definition for expressing the 'identity related' credentials of the commonly used schema managed by REFEDs like e.g. eduPerson, SCHAC and voPerson.

The REFEDS schema board is setting up a subcomittee to define the VC representations of these well known credentials so they may be used in an standardized and interoperable way.

Description of the activity

The Incubator will contribute manpower to this REFEDs activity, however we want to follow regular REFEDs procedures and make sure we have community inclusion. 

Ownership & Utilisation

The following parties will use the results of this activity:

T&I Service
R&E CommunityAny party that operates as a home organization (has SAML IdP or OIDC OP) should consider using this schema if there is a need for releasing Verifiable Credentials. Universities and other educational institutes are expected to release VCs en masse in the future
External Partyeducational software/service providers should benefit from the existence of this schema.

Results & Deliverables

The following results were created and delivered:

REFEDS Verifiable Credential Subcommittee was started and operated during the incubator cycle. The subcommittee will keep working in REFEDS after the cycle ended.

The aim of the activity is to 1) standardize the claims, based on prior work 2) standardize specific common use cases, as needed by the community 3) Describe best practices to presentation in wallet

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