eGovernmental IDs

Europe has given itself an agenda aimed at setting up an interoperable e-Infrastructure dealing with the release of electronic identifiers to its citizens, enabling them to make us of PA online provide services.

Most of these services are related to online services by the Public Administration sector. A detailed agenda for Connecting Europe Facility and information on the eIDAS framework are to be found here:


The model for having interoperable solutions in the EU for the eIDAS framework is based on the introduction of gateway nodes to which each national system will have to be able to communicate in order to peer with other nations' counterparts, enabling the provisioning of eSignature for electronic documents, eDelivery, and other eIDAS services.

There is therefore a thight agenda in place in each EU country to ensure interoperability among national eID systems and the eIDAS framework within the CEF initiative.

Each national system is a solution in itself, and CEF leaves large autonomy to the governments to adopt their preferrred technical approach ( Smartcards, SAML IDPs, OIDC+OAuth, Bank-IDs..), provided that communication to the eIDAS gateway node is ensured.

Gateways are to be foreseen therefore for the whole eIDAS system to work at a continental scale.


For what AARC is concerned, given the possibility for VO users and user communities to hold both identities, and given the interest from some Communities to be able to include IDs outside of eduGAIN among their users, piloting with eGovernmental IDs would mean the following:


1) Account linking: giving the possibility to eduGAIN identities to log in and access via WebSSO  eduGAIN SPs using indifferently both IDs: their federated credentials and their eGov IDs, making eduGAIN SPs aware they are actually dealing with the same physical person, thus owning therefore the same access rights to resources.

2) Attribute Enrichment to enable Authorization on eduGAIN resources (SPs) making use of eGoV IDs:   enable users outslide the community of eduGAIN IDs to enrich their identity by means of external Attribute Authorities or Reputation mechanisms, thus aquiring additional authorization rights on specific  subset of eduGAIN resources or specific subsections of eduGAIN web SPs.




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