Due: end of August (project month 16)
Description (from the DoW):
This Task will investigate the VO space and will provide guidelines for implementers, operators and users of such platforms. Moreover, this Task will focus on the challenges that environments with a multitude of Attribute Authorities (AtAuts) (multi-AA) impose on such platforms and will address issues that have a direct affect on the whole lifecycle of the VOs, such as account provisioning and deprovisioning, etc.
Description (from the calls):
This document investigates using VOs as a means of scaling user management for infrastructures. The basic premise is that by interfacing with the VO instead of the users individually, better scalability is achieved.
Current status:draft
Mischa Salle
Shall we either remove the link given here or update to the link given in AARC Architecture#Deliverables.1 ?
Jens Jensen - STFC UKRI