
This section describes how to set up radsecproxy to act as a federation-level RADIUS and RADIUS/TLS server. It can then completely replace other RADIUS server products on the federation level.

More precisely, it will enable a server to:

Version information

The prerequisites for this deployment are:

Sample config file

Most of the radsecproxy configuration file is static. This walk-through goes through the template radsecproxy.conf line by line and explains the meaning of each stanza.

ListenUDP                 *:1812
ListenTCP                 *:2083

radsecproxy will receive requests from all connected Service Providers via both RADIUS and RadSec. Therefore it has to listen on the appropriate ports on its network interfaces (the * meaning: all interfaces). If you want radsecproxy to listen only on specific interfaces, enter the interface names here. Beware: in this case you may also have to set the more exotic options SourceUDP and/or SourceTCP (see the man page of radsecproxy for details).

Client definition

client {
        type     udp
        secret   testing123

client ::1 {
        type     udp
        secret   testing123

There is no other RADIUS server running on localhost, which makes these client definitions almost superfluous. They may be of some use however to initiate debugging requests and tests from the server itself, so it is considered good practice to list localhost as a client. If your system is not IPv6-enabled, simply delete the second stanza.

client __SP_IP_ADDR__ {
        type     udp
        secret   __SP_SECRET__
        FTicksVISCOUNTRY XZ 		# will generate F-Ticks for a non-existant visited country

Stanzas like this one are used for each connected service provider that is connected via RADIUS. You need to know the IP address of every SP's RADIUS server and negotiate a shared secret with the SP

Please note that the client and server stanza for the GEANT Monitoring (SA3-T2 activity) have the same host address, but different stanza names. This is important: it disables the LoopDetection for this host, and the SA3 monitoring deliberate uses loops to do its tests. The following stanza is the eduroam Service Activity's monitoring client. Negotiate the IP address and shared secret for European monitoring with the operators in SA3-T2 (eduroam Operational Team) and enter it here.

client SA3-monitoring-incoming {
         host            x.y.z.a
         type            UDP
         secret          __MONITORING_SECRET__


client incoming {
        host                              [::]/0
        type                              TLS
        tls                               defaultClient
        secret                            radsec

After all specific clients in the configuration, you can the above stanza as a "catch-all" for incoming RADIUS/TLS connections.It does not need to be modified (if you do not support IPv6, you can delete the second "host" line though). In particular, the string "radsec" for secret is fixed by the RADIUS/TLS protocol and is required to remain unchanged. It also has no effect; RADIUS/TLS depends on TLS security rather than the shared RADIUS secret.

The eduroam trust model requires that a SP that tries to connect has:

These checks were defined via "tls defaultClient", above.

Request forwarding

To deliver requests to your connected IdPs, their servers need to be configured. This stanza is for IdP servers using RADIUS.

          host     __IP_ADDR__
          type     UDP
          secret   __SERVER_SECRET__

This is the equivalent stanza for IdP servers using RADIUS/TLS.

          type         TLS
          tls          defaultServer
          secret       radsec
          statusserver on

The two following stanzas define the uplink to the European eduroam Confederation root servers. This entry can be kept as it stands and doesn't need any further configuration.

server etlr1.eduroam.org {
          type                  TLS
          tls                   defaultServer
          secret                radsec
          statusserver          on

server etlr2.eduroam.org {
          type                  TLS
          tls                   defaultServer
          secret                radsec
          statusserver          on

European monitoring works both ways. The client entry near the beginning of the configuration file was needed for incoming requests from the monitoring servers. The entry below specifies the outgoing connections to the monitoring server. Outgoing connections are currently monitored with RADIUS only. Use the negotiated IP address and shared secret with SA3-T2 Monitoring in the following stanza:

server SA3-monitoring-outgoing {
          host                  a.b.c.d
          type                  UDP
          secret                __MONITORING_SECRET__

After defining the server configurations, we need to define which RADIUS realms are going to be forwarded to which server(s). This is done in the remainder of the configuration file.

First, there are (very few) known-bad realms which are not forwarded at all. They should ideally never reach the FLR server, and be caught by the SP local RADIUS server, but as an extra safety measure they are filtered (i.e. immediately rejected) here:

realm /myabc\.com$/ {
          replymessage "Misconfigured client: default realm of Intel PRO/Wireless supplicant! Rejected by <TLD>."
          accountingresponse on

realm /@.*3gppnetwork\.org$/ {
		  replymessage "Misconfigured client: Unsupported 3G EAP-SIM client!"
		  accountingresponse on

realm /^$/ {
          replymessage "Misconfigured client: empty realm! Rejected by <TLD>."
          accountingresponse on

Note: if you need to blacklist an existing realm for some reason, you can follow the myabc.com example, copying and replacing it with the realm to be blacklisted.

Requests for proper realms that are coming in from upstream and are supposed to be handled by an identity provider are listed in stanzas like the below. _IDP_REALM_ contains the realm of the connected IdP. Create one such stanza for each IdP realm. If an IdP has multiple servers for a failover configuration, you can list all servers in a row, as in the example below.

realm /IDP_REALM$/ {
              server         __FROM_SERVER_STANZAS_ABOVE__
              server         __BACKUP_NAME__

The configuration stanza below is for outgoing European monitoring connections.

realm /eduroam\.YOUR_TLD/ {
              server         SA3-monitoring-outgoing

All the valid realms were listed earlier in the configuration file, and this server is authoritative for the own TLD. If a supplicant or downstream servers sends a realm with the own TLD, but also with a realm name that is not registered, this request is unauthorised and bound to fail. It will be rejected immediately to prevent routing loops.

realm /\.YOUR_TLD$/ {
              replymessage "Misconfigured supplicant or downstream server: uses known-bad realm in <TLD> federation!"

Finally, all realms that do not belong to the own federation are forwarded to the European eduroam Confederation root servers. However, we limit this to 'sane' realms: these must include a tld of at least 2 characters. Anything else is dropped.

realm /@.+\..{2,}$/ {
              server           etlr1.eduroam.org
              server           etlr2.eduroam.org

realm * {
			  replymessage "Misconfigured client: username does not contain a valid realm!"


This section contains some optional configuration parameters that can do good in many cases.

Keeping the config file at a manageable size

radsecproxy allows to split the configuration file into several files on disk and include the parts into the main configuration file. This is very practical when many sites have to be managed. You can create a subdir and put the client, server, realm parts together in one file per participant. By adding

include /etc/radsecproxy.conf.d/*.conf

into the main config file, you can put all the participant files into that directory.
