This information was originally sourced in a Google doc: (now closed for comment)

Activity: Collect and share information on DLT/SSI initiatives in which SIG participants are involved or plan to engage with.

Due date: M2 and ongoing

Please feel free to add information on relevant initiatives and activities for the purpose of exchanging experiences, ideas and knowledge. The output is intended to be made publicly available for utilisation across our community.

Comments by Gert, via email 15.12.2021:

  • Smart contracts within BESU should be studied. For instance a diploma or micro-credentials can be added to the Wallet. Eva can use these VC to apply for a job. However, when she would use these VC for Erasmus or for a master after master program other verifications could be added via the smart contract. Also for instance time restrictions, Eva can apply for Erasmus but for instance only in the academic year 2022-2023.
  • Robert and I will set meetings (together with Jan and Ellen) to discuss how CH could work on EBSI nodes, could interact with the UNA Europe setup, …, how to extend/enhance the current setup within  SWITCH
  • Strengthening the Federated ID with 2FA, FAS Belgium (or any other eIDAS or EAS solution) should be seen also as independent of blockchain. It has a lot of added value on its own.
  • Every country will have one or a couple of organizations that are accreditated for the Identification as not everybody can provided a passport, an ID card, a driving license, …. PFA eIDAS. Other countries might fall under ESA. The different solutions are on a different level. The ultimate goal is to standardize towards e-identity but this will take a lot of time.

Overview of pre-notified and notified eID schemes under eIDAS-v19-20210923_113720.pdf

SWITCH announcement on Dragonfly Blockchain



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