1.Use cases
SBOD is focusing on collecting use cases (also to present at DIF4in September).
ACTIONS on use cases: Stephane PRACE - EUDAT; Alessandra to talk to Ralph; Dave Kelsey will look into use cases from EGI; Alessandra will ask people in Miami.
Fotis and Alessandra worked on GÉANT discussing the following:
- Open science data - how GÉANT customers can share the data on the GÉANT network in a secure way
- Smart cities - Internet of things is getting more interest, an entire city can be an infrastructure. Alessandra was approached by Florence Hudson from Internet 2. ACTION: Alessandra to ask Florence to give us some names.
Stephane - focus on research data? Smart city is used to improve data of the city; Stephane has two examples: Lion - traffic estimation and Montpelier - to anticipate flood). ACTION: Stephane will check his smart cities contacts.
Alessandra reminded, that SBOD has mandate for first 12 months; after that we can focus on something bigger than research data. Now: get the data then might be used in some other projects.
Fotis asked about meteorology data and healthcare data. Alessandra - health data is use case on its own, interesting but difficult to treat (as also privacy to be considered).
Conclusion: for the moment we keep open science data. Smart city - leave for second phase of SBOD, see of we can find research project willing to collaborate.
Alessandra - we need representatives of use cases. In order to build guidelines, it is important to start building relationships and create contacts.
2. DI4R coming up. ACTION - Magda will send Fotis info. Stephane will try to join, but not sure yet. Ralph? ACTION: Magda to confirm how to register.
Magda will send doodle for the next call.