Service Description
- Service name
- Webpage
- Contact person
- Activity and task
- Maturity
- Project lifetime
- Service definition
- Operational model
- Service users and operators
- Type of end-users with number of current users and expected numbers of users
- Current status
- Any changes/updates planned?
Service Documentation
What documentation do we need? For example project documentation, including product description (CBA, AC, PID etc.) and technical documentation (admin/user/dev guide)
User Guides
- User facing documentation (web sites etc.)
Operational Guide
- Application management requirements
- Day to day service management
- Update processes
- Define who triggered the update, how its tested and implemented
- Software version updates
Deployment Guide
- Infrastructure Hosting Requirements
- VMs
- Hardware and network requirements
- CPUs
- Storage
- Network Connectivity
- High Availability and backup
- Monitoring
- Firewall and Accessibility needs
- System Administration Requirements
- Operating system
- Standard software requirements
- Deployment process
- Processes for updates on the machine
- Application management requirements
User Support
- Customer Support
- User communication channels (mailing lists, etc.)
- Learning resources (FAQ, etc.)
- Describe customer support process
Software Stack
- Please list each software used in service and provide name, URL, in-house/external, issue tracker link etc.)
Validation Areas
What needs to be audited?
- Functional Testing
- Quality Testing
- Security Validation
- Documentation Validation
Operation Procedures
- Please provide details on th backup procedures and security procedures
Additional requirements
Any additional miscellaneous requirements you think are helpful to know for planning of the transition initiation