This is the group management app that we intent to use for our federation plans.
We will run this on an Ubuntu 12.04 VM.
I would like to stick as much as possible to Ubuntu provided packages, preferably the latest versions of everything. Confirmed on the list that Grouper can run fine with OpenJDK, so no need for the Sun Oracle Java stuff any more. So, at the moment it looks like we're going to use:
- Tomcat 7.0.26
- PostgreSQL 9.1.4
- Ant 1.8.2
- OpenJDK 7u3
To get these installed on a pristine Ubuntu 12.04 system:
apt-get install subversion postgresql libpgjava tomcat7 openjdk-7-jdk ant
Download source code, in this case we're fetching version 2.1.1 and stick that under /opt:
cd /opt svn co
Make JDK7 the default one:
update-java-alternatives --jre-headless -s java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
Create a database and credentials:
su - postgres createuser -D -I -R -S -P grouper_user createdb -O grouper_user -T template0 grouper exit
Because we run our databases on IPv6 only, we have to configure Postgres by editing /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '::'
Copy the default hibernate config file:
cd /opt/GROUPER_2_1_1/grouper/conf cp
and edit accordingly. Note that the values should not be enclosed in quotes:
# Example: hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:postgresql://ip6localhost:5432/grouper hibernate.connection.username = grouper_user hibernate.connection.password = hackme
Symlink the database driver:
ln -s /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc4.jar /opt/GROUPER_2_1_1/grouper/lib/custom/
Compile sources:
cd /opt/GROUPER_2_1_1/grouper ant dist
Create the database structure:
bin/ -registry -runscript
Check if this went OK:
bin/ -registry -check
Run the tests. This is an extensive test suite - on a powerful VM it took me about one hour:
bin/ -test -all
No errors should be reported in the end.
cd /etc/apache2 a2enmod proxy_ajp
Configure certificates etc