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at 10:00 CEST



Discussion items

5 minutesOpen Actions: Meeting notesAll
20 minsGeneral Round-Table UpdatesAll
10 minutesChecklist items: blogs from meetings, meeting reports for finances, travel policy check-inAll
5 minutesRepositoryNicole / Daniel
5 minutesStats on meetingsSilvie / Nicole
5 minutesAOBAll


Open Actions:

  • Sigita Jurkynaite brought up that Annabel asked to schedule future meetings days from Tuesday to Thursday. We agreed that it would limit the possibilities from both the side of finding a host for a meeting as well as for scheduling the meeting for participants. We need to check what the open action was regarding the update requirements for TFs and SIGs from her side.

  • Daniel Wustenberg o right up a first draft requirements document for  - It is done, and he has shared it with Nicole Harris. The choice of system needs to be agreed on still for the repository between: SharePoint / Confluence / CERN&OpenAIRE. Also the process needs to be agreed on: where / how / naming. The back catalog is still an issue, for future to use the repository would not be any problem. The suggestion was to go forward with the proposal to the TF and SIG secretaries.
  • Silvie Francisci to talk to Mark Golder about getting reports on locations and NREN attendees from Eventr / insight portal. This is done, she talked with both Mark and Mandeep and received the data in a pivot table format. She sent it to Nicole Harris and received an email response yesterday to take it forward.

General round-table updates:

  • Brook Schofield 
    • SIG-PMV and GEGC clashing and finalising agenda seems to be problematic
    • SIG-NOC and SIG-NGN joint meeting well on track, 40 attendees registered so far, more for the SIG NOC. It needs to be evaluated if the SIG NGN will survive in general and also if the combined two meetings would be a good practice in the future. GARR will invoice the GEANT project for the lunches, there seems to be still a confusion about the payments.
  • Sigita Jurkynaite
    • SIG-ISM Workshop last Monday/Tuesday went very well, lot of focus on GN4-3 and very good outcomes, Sigita is working on the blog which will give more details on the content. Sigita raised the issue of remote attendance, in a few cases (Iceland and South Africa) she facilitated remote participation but in general that also influence the face-to-face attendance of others. She raised if this should be a requirement for the future hosts of meetings and we agreed that would give more limitations for scheduling and finding hosts, we agreed that we will continue on the best efforts bases to support remote attendance. Brook will take a audio conference mic and extra laptop for his next  SIG-NGN meeting and report back if this was a successful experience to use for other meetings.
  • A possible joint TF-SIG meeting came up, however there are a lot of pros and cons for such a meeting. For now the combined meetings are a good examples. As a next step, we agreed that Silvie Francisci will check with Mark about the analysis of people attended past meetings (overlaps...etc).
  • Silvie Francisci
    • SIG-CISS well on track, 30 attendees, full house, 5 remote attendees, agenda ready. Silvie raised the issue for covering the costs for a joint dinner the evening before the meeting - this would facilitate discussions and currently it is problematic as everyone has different level of allowances. We agreed that Gyöngyi Horváth will discuss it Annabel next week.

Next meeting:

 at 10:00 CEST

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