56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EU.
About the event
Jisc is hosting held the 5th GEANT SIG-PMV meeting at its Jisc Manchester offices on 23/24 October 2018, with the event running from mid-day on the 23rd to mid-day on the 24th, allowing time for presentations and discussion, and some social interaction for those who would like to join a dinner on the Tuesday evening.
Attendance to the event is free, but attendees will need to cover the costs of their own travel and accommodation. Refreshments will be provided, including lunch on both days.
The call for presentations is still open, see https://wiki.geant.org/display/PMV/REGISTRATION+and+CALL+FOR+PRESENTATION
You can also register directly at https://eventr.geant.org/events/2845.
If you have any questions about attending or presenting an idea, please email either pmvsc@lists.geant.org or tim.chown@jisc.ac.uk.
remote participation for those who could not make it in person.
Slides from the event are now available below, linked from the agenda.
AgendaThe provisional agenda is as follows (TBC = to be confirmed):
Tuesday 23rd October
1.00pm Lunch
2.10pm Update on SIG-PMV status; goals, scenarios - Tim Chown (Jisc) 2.20pm Update on new GN4-3 project; PMV-related activities - Ivana Golub (PSNC- see PMV Scenarios (link)
2.30pm 20pm perfSONAR: pScheduler extensibility and applicability for the GEANT community - Antoine Delvaux (PSNC) - slides (PDF)
3.10pm Jisc: perfSONAR use cases - Tim Chown (Jisc) - slides (PDF)
3.20pm perfSONAR discussion
4.00pm eduroam peering monitoring - Nik Mitev (Jisc) slides (PDF)
4.20pm eduroam monitoring schema - Miroslav Milinovic (SRCE, Zagreb) - slides (PDF)
4.40pm eduroam / WiFi monitoring discussion
9.00am Coffee, pastries
9.30am LoLa monitoring requirements - TBC (GARRNetwork Technologies and Services Development - GN4-3 WP6 - Ivana Golub (PSNC) - slides (PDF)
9.50am NetMon; potential integration with perfSONAR - Pavle Vuletic (AMRESUniversity of Belgrade) - slides (PDF)
10.20am AENEAS network performance testing - Richard Hughes-Jones (GEANT) - TBCNetwork Management as a Service (NMaaS) - Ivana Golub (PSNC) - slides (PDF)
10.40am Coffee break
11.00am GEANT monitoring GÉANT monitoring platforms - Craig Volp (GEANT(GÉANT) - slides (PDF)
11.15am Jisc monitoring platforms - Martin Dunmore (Jisc) - slides (PDF)
11.30am GRENA monitoring platforms - Zurab Bukhnikashvii (GRENA) - slides (PDF)
11.45am Discussion of platforms, best practices, gaps, desirable future work
12.00pm White box platform monitoring - TBC- Domenico Siracusa (FBK) - slides (PDF)
12.20pm Discussion of SIG-PMV goals and KPIs
If you have any special dietary needs, or accessibility requirements, please email tim.chown@jisc.ac.uk.
Social Dinner
There will be an evening social meal on the 23rd, sponsored by Jisc. Please email tim.chown@jisc.ac.uk if you do NOT wish to attend.