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  • Formatting was changed.   Thursday 26th October 2023

SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks.

This meeting of the 12th meeting of the SIG will be held virtually.


"Network measurement for performance engineering"

In this meeting we will focus on measurements we can get out of the network to inform us on how we should be engineering the network betterThis meeting will cover topics related to network measurement methods and their significance when engineering our networks. Drawing insights from specialists, the attendees will get an overview of packet sampling, in-band network telemetry, and perfSONAR, amongst other related topic areas. The meeting will conclude with reflections on whether the data we’re currently collecting is sufficient and, if not, what we need to do to improve it. This will then lead to our next meeting on December 7th where we’ll talk about how we use this information to design the next generation of research and education networks.

Quick Links

All Presentations (currently past meeting presentations.)

Checkout the discussion on (sign up here)

Subscribe to the NGN mailing list or View the Archive

Contact the NGN Steering Committee


Agenda (all times are in CEST)

Thursday, 26th October 2023

05 5- Name (Org)

15:05 - 16:35 ('90)


Host: Name (Org)

Panel discussion / Q&A

Facilitator: Name (Org)

16:55 5 Name Org
TimeWhat's happening
14:45 - 15:00Get a coffee - Testing audio & video
15:00 - 15:10 ('10)

Introduction and welcome 

16:35 - 16:55 ('20)

- Lars Fischer (NORDUnet)

15:10 - 15:15 ('5)

Measuring Performance - data driven performance engineering

Lars Fisher (NORDUnet)

15:15 - 15:25 ('10)

1:1 Packet Sampling

Bruce Mah (ESnet)

View file
name SIG-NGN 12 - ESnet 1 1 Sampling - Bruce Mah.pdf

15:25-15:35 ('10)

In-band network telemetry

Jeronimo Bezzera (Florida International University , AMlight)

View file
name SIG-NGN 12 - sig-ngn-measurement - Jeronimo Bezerra.pdf

15:35-15:45 ('10)

TimeMap - Opensorce weathermap

Claudio Allocchio (GARR)

View file

15:45-15:55 ('10)


15:55-16:05 ('10)

Where are flows going?

Chin Guok (ESnet)

View file
nameESnet Telemetry - SIG-NGN Oct 2023.pdf

16:05-16:15 ('10)


Andy Lake (ESnet)

View file
name SIG-NGN 12 - 20231026-SIG-NGN - Andy Lake.pdf

16:15-16:45 ('30)


Host: Chin Guok (ESnet)

16:45 - 17:00 ('15)

Wrap up, Feedback, Summary and Next Steps -

Lars Fischer (


17:00End and invite for next meeting 7.12.2023 15:00 CET