- Added
- Id
- keyword
- to
- all
- and
- phtml
- files.
- Extended
- docblocks,
- part
- 2
- New
- feature.
- Upon
- login
- user
- is
- redirected
- to
- their
- previous
- page.
- When
- user
- visits
- page
- that
- is
- restricted
- by
- (for
- example
- a
- non
- logged
- in
- user
- visits
- /submit/new)
- the
- login
- link
- has
- an
- extra
- 'redir'
- parameter
- which
- ensures
- a
- redirect
- to
- the
- page
- they
- tried
- to
- access.
- Sign
- in
- button
- at
- the
- top
- now
- also
- has
- referrer
- (see
- r29)
- and
- added
- some
- docblocks
- Shorter
- and
- friendlier
- text
- for
- "no
- access"
- error.
- More
- understandable
- displaying
- of
- user
- information.
- Fixed
- user/edit
- bug.
- User
- was
- able
- to
- edit
- their
- details
- but
- when
- they
- were
- redirected
- to
- their
- user
- profile
- they
- got
- an
- error.
- Added
- feature:
- Presenters
- are
- only
- allowed
- to
- edit
- their
- presentation
- details
- up
- to
- 30
- minutes
- before
- their
- session
- starts.
- This
- time
- can
- be
- configured
- in
- core.presentation.deadline
- Added
- feature:
- Users
- that
- submit
- papers
- get
- notification
- Added
- feature:
- Users
- that
- have
- submitted
- papers
- can
- edit
- their
- submissions
- within
- the
- submission
- deadline.
- After
- the
- deadline
- they
- can
- only
- see
- an
- overview
- of
- their
- submissions
- from
- the
- user
- profile
- page
- Note:
- The
- core.presentation.deadline
- directive
- needs
- to
- be
- present
- in
- application.ini
- otherwise
- the
- presentation/edit
- feature
- will
- not
- work.
- New
- feature:
- it's
- now
- possible
- to
- have
- resource/privilege
- specific
- no-access
- templates.
- For
- now
- only
- submit/index
- is
- supported.
- You
- can
- easily
- add
- new
- ones
- in
- ErrorController::noaccessAction()
- Replaced
- legacy
- user
- select
- boxes
- with
- standardized
- TA_Form_Element_User
- -
- as
- of
- now
- this
- element
- is
- responsible
- for
- populating
- user
- select
- boxes,
- and
- for
- rendering
- the
- list
- of
- linked
- users,
- throughout
- Show
- identifier
- in
- dropdown
- lists.
- Abstracted
- the
- way
- TA_Form_Element_User
- works.
- The
- element
- renderer
- now
- receives
- an
- array
- of
- user
- objects
- Removed
- obsolete
- getIdp()
- method
- Cleaned
- up
- view
- scripts
- for
- session/chairs
- and
- submit/reviewers
- Added
- css
- class
- to
- TA_Form_Element_User
- renderer
- Added
- interface
- for
- TA_Form_Element_User
- Removed
- unique
- validation.
- With
- our
- new
- approach
- to
- displaying
- user
- data,
- this
- is
- no
- longer
- necessary
- changed
- redirect
- from
- user/edit
- to
- redirect
- to
- itself
- Added
- fix
- for
- empty
- addresses.
- When
- a
- users
- IdP
- provided
- no
- address,
- login
- was
- possible,
- but
- this
- could
- cause
- breakage
- with
- automated
- emails.
- Upon
- every
- request
- the
- email'
- check
- is
- done.
- When
- true,
- user
- is
- redirected
- to
- their
- account
- edit
- page
- and
- are
- prompted
- to
- change
- it.
- Fixed
- review/edit
- bug.
- When
- admin
- changed
- a
- review,
- the
- reviewer
- changed
- to
- admin.
- This
- is
- no
- longer
- the
- case.
- Fixed
- TA_Form_Element_User
- delete
- bug.
- Instead
- of
- using
- the
- user_id
- to
- delete
- a
- record,
- the
- many-to-many
- primary
- key
- value
- is
- used.
- The
- date
- that
- reviewers
- can
- see
- other
- peoples
- reviews
- is
- now
- configurable.
- Changed
- default
- navigation
- for
- personal
- review
- overview.
- Fixed
- inconsistency
- in
- date
- display/collection
- Abstracted
- getReviewersForMail
- away
- from
- Submission/Set
- to
- Review
- Model
- Added
- tiebreaker
- feature
- to
- submit/review
- (see
- documentation)
Version 0.9.1
- Added missing config directives
- Ignore patterns, new SQL dump from core_dev @omega.
- Replaced all instances of "character varying(..)" with "text".
- Made installer use PDO_PGSQL instead of legacy postgres functions. This is hacked together and certainly needs to be cleaned up later.
- Ignored content of some user data directories.
- Display any SQL errors during final installation step, instead of a exiting with a blank browser window, or a generic error.
- Changed URL to point to wiki. SVN URL is there.
- Fixed bug in timeslots form, where dynamic slots were not shown and user saw blank page.
- Added more documentation
- Fixed logging for federated attributes. Note: attributes are only logged when in development mode
- Removed demo hints in installer.
- Fixed show stopper bug in SAML uid attribute related code. This required an SQL change as well. Still better checking todo later.
- Removed old debugging code
- Changed old smart_id into uid in installer sequence.
- Removed stale index template.
- Removed banner statement that wasn't used any more.