A summary of the mandatory steps for the installation (detailed in the linked sections below):
There are also some optional steps:
AnchorPostgreSQL PostgreSQL
2. PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL | |
PostgreSQL |
This account can be later deleted from the WiFiMon GUI (after step 5). However, an ADMIN account should always be present in order to access the WiFiMon GUI and manage the WiFiMon Users, Access Points and Subnets. We strongly suggest that the password is changed from the WiFiMon GUI when the installation is complete (step 5).
Anchorjava java
3. Java Installation
java | |
java |
cluster.name: elasticsearch node.name: ${HOSTNAME} node.master: true node.voting_only: false node.data: true node.ingest: true node.ml: false cluster.remote.connect: false path.data: /var/lib/elasticsearch path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch network.host: INSERT the Fully Qualified Domain Name (WAS_FQDN) to which the server listens discovery.seed_hosts: [“"INSERT the WAS_FQDN to which the server listens”"] cluster.initial_master_nodes: INSERT the HOSTNAME (not WAS_FQDN) of the server xpack.ml.enabled: false xpack.security.enabled: false |
server.port: 5601 server.host: “"INSERT the Fully Qualified Domain Name (WAS_FQDN) to which the server listens”" server.name: “wifimon"wifimon-kibana”kibana" elasticsearch.hosts: [“http"http://WAS_FQDN:9200”9200"] server.ssl.enabled: false |
Before the execution of script elasticsearch.sh, “"curl” must " must be installed. This is possible using the following commands: