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Monday 8th April - Tuesday 9th April 2024

SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks.

This meeting of the 14th meeting of the SIG will be held as Hybrid Meeting in Catania IT.



Following a fruitful co-location of meetings in Prague in April 2023, SIG-NGN and the LHC networking group will once again co-locate face-to-face meetings this coming spring. This time we are adding networking for the Square Kilometre Array to the mix.

The 14th SIG-NGN will take place on 8-9 April 2024 at INFN in Catania, Sicily, Italy. The agenda will be finished over the coming weeks, and will focus on technologies for sharing of existing physical networks (overlays, underlays, spectrum sharing) and how they enable mission-specific network services, as well as on network architecture for intercontinental connectivity, including policies and technologies for links sharing as well as the evolution of  intercontinental R&E connectivity.

As the meeting is co-located with LHC and SKA, the SIG-NGN meeting topics will be framed for enabling networking for large, global science communities.

SIG-NGN will be held over two half days - afternoon of April 8 and morning of April 9 - followed by two days on networking for SKA and LHC. Mark your calendar now; we hope to see you in Catania for 4 exciting days on research networking.


INFN Catania
c/o Dipartiento di Fisica e Astronomia Universita di Catania
Cittadella Universitaria
Via Santa Sofia, 64
95126 Catania
Building 6

Transportation to and from the venue

Bus: ask for BRT1 bus in via Etnea: from the venue  BRT1 is aimed to Piazza Stesicoro in Via Etnea, where it turns to go back to our venue. You have to get out at the stop Cittadella Universitaria Ovest. To go back in Via Etnea you have to go to bus stop Cittadella Est. Tickets cost 1.00 euro each, and they are sell in several places in Via Etnea.

Metro: near piazza Stesicoro you can find a metro station. You have to stop at stazione Milo, where you can catch a shuttle going to Cittadella Universitaria. Going to the venue, the metro shuttle stops at the same stop than BRT1, Cittadella Unversitaria Ovest. To go back there is a metro shuttle stop 50 meteres away from the venue to go at Stazione Milo, where you can catch the metro to Stazione Stesicoro. At the metro stations there are ticketing machines; tickets cost 1.00 euro each.
the distance from piazza Stesicoro to the venue is about 3.5 km, slightly uphill (DFA is about 150 metres high)


when you arrive at the venue please enter via this entrance:


We are trying to bring participants together on a joint dinner (own expense) somewhere downtown Catania at 20:30 monday 8 April. if interested please send an email to: 

Dinner location:

Ristorante calarittu



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All Presentations (currently past meeting presentations.)

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Agenda - (all times are in CET)

Monday, 8 April 2024

TimeWhat's happening
12:45 - 13:00Get a coffee - Testing audio & video
13:00 - 13:20 ('20)

Introduction and welcome - Rob Evans (JISC)
Setting the scene - historical perspective, GNA / GREN update

View file

13:20 - 13:40 ('20)

How to use policy and technology to share with the community

Edward Moynihan (Indiana University)

View file
nameSIG-NGN - April 4 2024.pdf

13:40 - 14:00 ('20)

Future evolution of network and application Asian region

Buseung Cho (KISTI)

View file
name2024_4_7 SIG-NGN(buseung).pdf

14:00- 14:20 ('20)

Submarine Cable Technology and Trends

Roeland Nuijts (Ciena)

View file
nameCiena Geant SIG-NGN meeting April 8 2024 v1 20240408v3 20240409.pdf

14:20 - 14:50 ('30)

Coffee Break

14:50 - 15:10 ('20)

Connecting Australia to the world

David Wilde (AARNET) 

15:10 -15:30 ('20)

Medusa Cable

Karel van Klink (GÉANT)

View file
nameMedusa cable system.pptx

15:30 - 16:00 ('30)

Planned links across Atlantic and other intercontinental links

Bram Peeters (GÉANT)

View file

16:00 - 16:20 ('20)

Use of Spectrum sharing on ¼ fibre on intercontinental (subsee) links
What does mean for the community? Future trans-atlantic architecture

Alexander van den Hil (SURF)

View file
nameSIG-NGN Catania 2024.pdf

16:20 - 16:40 ('20)

Open Discussion 
Wrap up

16:40End of day 

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

TimeWhat's happening
08:45 - 09:00 ('15)Get a coffee - Testing audio & video
09:00  - 09:05 ('5)

Introduction and welcome

Yatish Kumar (ESnet)

09:05 - 09:20 15 ('1510)

Experience using L2, how about global L3 VPN, do we need overlays at all?

Rob Evans (Jisc)

View file

09:20 15 - 09:40 30 ('2015)

Evolution of LHC networking, future perspectives

Edoardo Martelli (CERN)

View file

09:40 30 -09:55 45 ('15)

Spectrum sharing in the nordic NRENs

Rasmus Lund (NORDUnet)

View file
nameSpectrum sharing in the nordic NRENs 2.pdf

09:55 45 - 1009:05 55 ('10)

(White Rabbit based) Time & Frequency Transfer and its applications in the Netherlands

Sander Klemann (SURF)

View file
nameWhat time is it SURF SURF Time & Frequency SIG-NGN Meeting.pptx

09:55 10:05 - 10:25 15 ('20)


Paolo Bolletta (GARR)

View file

10:25 15 - 10:55 35 ('3020)Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:55 ('20)
Infrastructure sharing

Spectrum sharing, router sharing and overlay networks using layer 2 and layer 3

Christian Todorov (Internet2)

View file

10:55 - 11:25 ('30)

Support multiple “private” networks over WAN

Eli Dart (ESnet)

View file

11:25 - 11:45 ('20)

Panel Discussion

Lars Fischer (NORDUnet)

View file
nameSIGNGN wrapup 2024.04.09.pdf

11:45 -11:50 ('5)End of SIG-NGN meeting