Who can participate in this programme? Any young candidate nominated by a GÉANT Project NREN partner studying at a university or college affiliate in a GÉANT partner country, or or early-career professional working at a GÉANT NREN. How many candidates can you nominate for the programme? We accept max a maximum of 3 candidates per NREN. What kind of candidates should you look for? Ideal candidates are (under) graduate, master and PhD students (possibly interns at the NREN)Master's, PhD or Undergraduate students, or interns / early career professionals at your NREN, who want to commit time and energy to learn and develop themselves beyond the basic university programmedevelop their skills and share their ideas with the wider R&E community. What kind of topic can be submitted for a lightning talkLightning Talk? The subject matter of each presentation student's presentation topic could be any idea , project or research or innovation project the candidate have has been working on that addresses a technical, economic, legal, security or environmental aspect in any IT and networks field. Previously submitted topics. How competitive is the programme? All nominated eligible candidates that comply to the programme requirements will be admitted accepted to the Future Talent Programme - which in itself does not have a competitive element. The competitive element comes in the proposal to give a Lightning Talk at TNC. up to 3 per NREN. FTP candidates compete with the other proposals for a place to present at the conference will receive. The TNC programme committee decides on the winning Committee selects proposals based on original content and clarity. The committee reserves some places for students every year. FTP students are given individual support to help them develop strong proposals. What do you need to nominate a candidate for the Future Talent Programme? Please register your candidate at https://events.geant.org/event/1375/ including your contact details, your candidate’s contact details and university and a short description of the candidate's topic. The application must be submitted by 28 February 2023. GLAD will notify the you and your candidate of acceptance after this deadline. What are the next steps? Please urge your candidate to apply to give a Lightning Talk at TNC conference. This is the key focus of the Future Talent Programme, which prepares students to present their ideas. A separate application is required for Lightning Talks, which are selected by the TNC committee. The candidate should submit a brief abstract of their proposed talk following TNC guidelines. What is the duration of the Future Talent Programme? The programme runs from March to June. The presentation training webinars will be organised in small groups and will run in April between March and May. Finalists whose proposals are accepted by the TNC Programme Committee will get 1:1 presentation coaching from a professional speaker prior to the conference. The TNC conference will take place from 5-9 June 2023 in Tirana, Albania. What will be your role as a host and mentorco-ordinator? Your role as a mentor is to engage with your candidate on a regular basis, provide encouragement and advice during the programme and attend related events. If your candidate is selected to speak at TNC, we encourage you to support him or her at the conference. Travel cost and some manpower for mentors can be funded. We ask the hosting NREN to finance encourage and remind your candidate to meet all deadlines and ensure they are committed to the full programme. For students who are accepted to present at TNC, we ask the local NREN to fund the candidate's travel arrangements in advance. All candidates' costs is are funded by the programme and can be reclaimed from GN4.3GN5-1-WP1-T5 following the normal GÉANT project claimant rules and procedures.