Be aware to use the following values in the variables configuration file of Ansible Playbook: (1) ELK stack version 8.5, (2) PostgreSQL version 15 and (3) WiFiMon agent version 2.0.0. The WiFiMon deb package is available from
1. WiFiMon Properties
In secure-processor.properties.j2 template file, the WiFiMon administrator may select whether to use or not a JSON exporter. This exports measurements of hardware probes towards a JSON collector. Although this feature is mainly designed for the eduroam JSON collector, it can be adapted to the needs of the WiFiMon administrator for exporting data in the desired format. If the WiFiMon administrators wants to disable this process, property "json.collect" should be set to "false", otherwise to "true". The URL of the JSON collector should be specified with the property "json.collector".
Finally, WiFiMon can can be started by using the start.sh script within /usr/lib/wifimon:.