- OLA Michael Schmidt
- T&I OLA Template
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gfJjKysPWseJjyF1XJm9zl9tAvSN8RMdakOoZ2L4qc4
- Casper performed in-depth review, everything seems to be fine
- Miro has spontaneously contacted me regarding the eduroam OLAs!!! → provided him the template
- No feedback from Davide so far
- Seamless Access OLA reviewed
- T&I OLA Template
- DPA Vlado Pribolšan
- Work continued on technical annex, making good progress
- Since there is a lot of legal content in the document, Miro Vlado will double check the sharing strategy discussed last time with Nicole → waiting for an answer
- Still waiting for Miro
- eduGAIN baseline
- meeting today at 15:00 CET
- Agenda: https://wiki.refeds.org/display/ASS/2019-11-25+Baseline+Expectation+Meeting
- Only Brook and Nicole have added stuff to the agenda so far
- It is planned to discuss some topics from the working group during the ACAMP at TechEx → Pal will be there to participate