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 Firewall On Demand (FoD?) 
  • (info page for FoD development
  • Evangelos is in contact with the GRNET developers who originally developed FoD and continue to develop it further:
          • FoD REST API discussed: rule editing bug found by David verified; GRNET developers will provide a fix
          • Working plugin for rule statistics/graphs in available (productive in GRNET)
          • Update to Django 1.8 (was main issue found in Secure Code Review conducted by SA2-T1)
          • Ideas to switch from NETCONF to ExaBGP
        • => desire to cooperate with T6 regarding further development of FoD
        • VC with GRNET developer of FoD: JRA2-T6 and GRNET group will exchange code and join FoD development/testing effort
            • JRA2-T6 has code for port-range support
            • GRNET has a new FoD version which fixes the issues in REST API found by David and also is based on newer version of Django library
            • GRNET will provide Virtual Router to test FoD with BGP FlowSpec+IPv6
  • Testing of new FOD features on FOD test machines
            • Fully tested the port range feature developed by Tomáš (with real traffic)
            • As well as the graphs statistics module and REST API by GRNET,
            • Extra software needed for fetching SNMP statistics of rules from routers and for creating image data out of it
                  • Tomáš has started preliminary code for this based on JavaScript canvas and own SNMP collector for visualizing current statistics per rule
                  • Already working, but performance needs to be improved and some details added
                        • More precise value calculation
                        • E.g graph labels
                        • Support for bytes, not only packets
                        • Multiple graphs (per router, not only summary)
                      • For historic statistics, plan to use data/images from CACTI of GEANT
      • PSNC NOC (GEANT FoD user as well as own operator of a FoD instance for their network) asked for exchanging BGP FlowSpec rules via E-BGP: before deciding on this the implications for FoD have to be discussed in the task
     DDoS Detection/Mitigation (D/M) WG 
    • Fastnetmon testing at GARR:
      • Silvia and Nino are still working at there proposal for multi-domain use of fastnetmon where fastnetmon is used at institution side and can signal to upstream for mitigation based on local decision of
      • Actually they cooperate with other colleagues and also a range of users (with different operating/management requirements) in GARR to create a full POC together with them in GARR
          • GARR-internal meeting about Fastnetmon architecture (DDoS detection based on thresholds)
            • Detection based on traffic analysis using 1GB 10GB Intel card
            • As well as Juniper NetFlows: issues with timers still here: Fastnetmon documentation 10 sec vs. 60 sec currently on GARR Juniper routers; GARR has to find out whether this 60sec can be changed to 10 sec without problems
            • Blackholing system via RTBH on routers (IP address ranges announce by BGP)
      • Silvia/Nino still may send Tangui preliminarily draft of their proposal so than Tangui can get a idea and can compare both solutions
    • FlowMon DDoS Defender detection + A10 box mitigation testing
        • Crash of FlowMon which occurred some weeks ago was investigated and solved by fixing an issue mitigation script
      • A10 solution provides nice mitigation statistics during attack in GUI
      • But it is missing provision of mitigation statistics after the attack ended; A10 provides another product for this, aGalaxy, which would costs extra.
      • Nevertheless, A10 has a REST API to provide these current statistics during attack; Evangelos will check and try to test this API
      • Other from that testing is complete and was successful
    • Deepfield detection + A10 box mitigation testing
      • Serious bug fixed which prevented Deepfield from actual DDoS detection even 20 minutes after the attack
      • Still limitation which allow only one type of mitigation action to be applied to a single subnet: Deepfield put this on their roadmap
      • Deepfield put also on roadmap an import and store attack/rule statistics after an attack mitigated by A10 box
      • Other from that testing is complete and was successful
    • CORSA NSE7000 testing
      • Testing of NSE7000 mitigation box together with FlowMon detection system (via BGP FlowSpec) successful
      • Testing of NSE7000 mitigation box together with Deepfield detection system (via BGP FlowSpec) successful
      • Advantages of NSE7000 compared to white box Corsa OF switches (answer in VC with Corsa at 04.05.2017):
        • NSE7000 is 3 times faster in terms of packets/s
        • NSE7000 allows 200000 rules, number of bare OF rule would be less in white box switch
        • NSE7000 allows for a so-called (rule-global) Gigafilter, a list of IP address (prefixes) - capacity up to about full IPv4 routing table - which can be referred by a mitigation rule; could be applied in emergency situations to filter a very big DDoS attack with many source IP addresses explicitly
        • NSE7000 allows for copy action which allows to replicate selected packets (by rules; e.g. before filtering them) in hardware to another port; e.g. useful for debugging
        • NSE7000 will allow for layer-2 redirect action for selected packets
    • DDoS D/M Survey:
      • All polls ended
      • Up to now 22 answers from 20 different NRENs: general evaluation of answers:
        • balanced Balanced number of answers from managers, network engineers, and security engineers
        • FOD is very well known to the (answering) NRENs
        • Most of answering NRENs are using netflow-based DDoS detection
        • GEANT-provided scrubbing centre solution is desired by most of the answering NRENs (71.4%)
        • Further collaboration with other NRENs desired: experience sharing (35%) or even common development (40%)
      • More thorough analysis still to be done
      • Also plan to evolve the survey further towards specific questions about current/future FoD functionalities, also regarding long-term functionality beyond BGP FlowSpec mitigation
    • Evangelos will attend next TF-CSIRT meeting at 15.05.2017 and presents and discuss summary of survey results, also regarding FoD and A10 mitigation box usage in future
     Certificate Transparency (CT) 
    • CT Server
      • Working on v1.0
        • Started to write user/operator documentation
        • Various missing aspects: e.g. time zone support
        • Bugfixes for operational/technical issues found by DFN Cert/SUNET
    • Task-internal Demo/Presentation (user view of CT):
      • Now actual presentation has to be prepared
      • It should cover also the following strategic questions/aspects
        • What is the benefit of the service in general (use-cases/user stories, tangible examples why it is important, what will be the penalty if it is not there) and particular in GEANT case
        • What will be the role of GEANT/NRENs regarding it
        • How will it be run, by whom (GEANT/NREN), on which hardware
        • What would roughly be the effort needed to run an instance of the service: e.g. costs, man power over time, hardware, maintenance
      • Jerry, Linus, Magnus, and David will have an extra VC about this on 11.05.2017, 9:00-10:00 CEST
     F2F Meeting Planning 
    • New Foodle poll for F2F meeting exists, but answer may be hard if place of meeting not know (because of unclear voyage duration)
    • So, first the potential locations have to be found. Candidates currently are:
          • Garching near Munich (LRZ)
          • Prague: possible
          • Rome: possible, but only after Summer
          • Stockholm: possible (e.g. June)
          • Cambridge: possible
    • For each of these potential location everyone should check how long travel might potentially be for she/him
     Next VC 

    In 6 weeks: 14.06.2017, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T , as David is on meetings next two regular Wednesday dates
    David will contact everyone individually during these weeks.

    Action items

    •  Silvia/Nino: send Tangui preliminary slides about fastnetmon proposal draft
    •  Silvia/Nino: provide proposal about multi-domain usage scenario for fastnetmon in wiki (e.g., at or below DDoS Detection/Mitigation WG File Area)
    •  Silvia/Nino: if possible, provide some summary in wiki about Radware POC (e.g., at or below DDoS Detection/Mitigation WG File Area)
    •  Linus/Magnus/David: internal presentation for CT use cases/service
    •  all interested in DDoS D/M WG: fill new foodle
    •  all: think about location and possibility to host F2F meeting
    •  all: Next regular T6 VC: 14.06.2017, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T
