Please send the following information to aai-is@lists.geanthelp@geant.org:
Information | Description |
entityID | The SAML entityID must be an HTTPS schema based. See https://github.com/REFEDS/MRPS/blob/v1/mrps.md#52-entityid-format and https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/InCFederation/Entity+IDs (which has recently moved to https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/federation/Entity+ID) |
SAML Metadata | A URL to the XML metadata (preferred), or an XML metadata file. This file/URL should be valid SAML metadata containing at least the following elements:
Service description | Longer descriptive text with at least:
Service URL | The actual URL to the main service, for instance https://intranet.geant.org. |
SAML attribute | example value | remarks |
uid | federated-user-1234 | Unique user ID, always available. |
user@domain | Defaults to the string 'invalid_email_needs_updating' if none was provided by the upstream IdP | |
displayName | Robert Wagner | Defaults to the string 'first_name last_name' or similar if bit aren't provided by the upstream IdP |
isMemberOf |
| Multivalued attribute listing the CAMS group memberships. |
Our endpoint
EntityID | https://login.terena.org/wayf/saml2/idp/metadata.php |
Metadata URL | https://login.terena.org/wayf/saml2/idp/metadata.php |
Metadata webpage, if your SP runs SimpleSAMLphp | https://login.terena.org/wayf/saml2/idp/metadata.php?output=xhtml |
Service monitoring
At some stage there will be some monitoring set-up, to help ensure the service is conforming to basic requirements. The monitored items are expected to include: