During the GN4-2 the OpenID Connect Federation specification (from here on openid-federation specification was updated and hence implemented
Library 1
) was implemented and had a major rewrite. At the same time a profile targeted to R&E identity federations was drafted.
The work on the specification consisted in both supporting the main editor, Roland Hedberg, and engaging with multiple R&E communities in order to collect needs, feedback and suggestions.
- Latest published draft: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-federation-1_0.html
- Tracker and working on edition: https://github.com/rohe/oidcfederation
Identity Federation profile (the "SWAMID/Amsterdam profile")
OIDCFed implementations and tools:
- library and example implementations of openid-federation draft 0.4:
- library and example implementations of openid-federation draft 0.5:
- proof-of-concept OIDC federation using the SWAMID/Amsterdam profile:
- Registry application for OpenID Connect federations and entities (REGO)
OIDC Support in Shibboleth