If a federation feed is unavailable for an extended period of time (length to be decided but at least a month) due to either policy violations or metadata link unavailability, the federation is put into a technical suspension status under the provisions of section 3.5 of the eduGAIN Constitution (automatic suspension).
- In the period proceeding preceding suspension, eduGAIN support will make effort to contact the federation representatives and try to resolve the problem.
- Federations which are in the technical suspension will be listed in a separate section of the members status page on the eduGAIN technical site. The reason for the suspension will be visible in the details window.
- For federations in the technical suspension no metadata pull would be done in particular no validation alerts would be sent until the status is changed by the OT. The status page would of course have the link to metadata validation, so that the federation is able to test its current feed before asking us to lift the suspension.
- To make sure that the federation is aware of the problem a weekly reminder would be sent automatically.
- The suspension will be lifted after the federation representative contacts eduGAIN support and informs about rectifying the problem. The OT will verify the metadata and if validation succeed will lift the suspension.
- The OT will inform the SG Steering Committee about cases of applying or lifting technical suspensions and will report on suspended federations on each SG SC meeting.
Suspension workflow