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Meeting dates


number of participants

(during the last months)

Focus of the meeting

Important topics, themes

Discussion topics

Outcomes / impact

(This should be descriptive on the content similarly to what was in the report to the GA for TNC

and what the meeting attendees took back to their organisation and how it has impacted their work.

Blog link(s)

Planned future meetings

Dates, locations

Topics, focus

Other event presence:

Name of event:


Dates / location

Participants types

Presentation / session / workshop 

Other comments

11th SIG-CISS meeting at TNC23 in Tirana and online
June 5, 2023

40 in person

10 remote

It was held together with the GEANT Cloud Framework. Topics: hybrid cloud use cases, tools, procurement. Speakers from CERN (CERNBox), sync'n share, Openscience Mesh also iRODs (storage hierarchical presentation, protocols plumbing, fuse FNSNFS) also security tool. Jan Meijer presenter about the strategy, room for improvements and what is done already by the community. Discussion about building and buying. Cloud Strategy Forum presence.

Interesting presentation about a tool "ShockedShoc" - allowing HPC on private and public cloud without the need to deploy anything locally.

September 2023, Zurich

Open Stack

Suggestion for Brian Massinga (RENU):

Need to post presentations
on Zenodo.
Need to blog about i

SIG-Multimedia (Closed)


Meeting dates


number of participants

(during the last months)

Focus of the meeting

Important topics, themes

Discussion topics

Outcomes / impact

(This should be descriptive on the content similarly to what was in the report to the GA for TNC

and what the meeting attendees took back to their organisation and how it has impacted their work.

Blog link(s)

Planned future meetings

Dates, locations

Topics, focus

Other event presence (last month):

Name of event:


Dates / location

Participants types

Presentation / session / workshop 

Other comments

5 June 2023 Co-located with TNC23

Approximately 55 participants in person (5 remote)

Main topic: 

Strategy meets reality: NRENs’ educational services strategic planning and implementation

  • Annual NREN education survey results were presented
  • Updates on Identity and education: MyAcademicID, edu wallets and DC4EU
  • Erasmus Without Paper
  • NRENS for interoperability enhancing education infrastructure and student mobility
  • Panel discussion on NREN educational strategies: 
    • UK - David Patterson (Jisc) - '5 min presentation
    • Israel - Eli Shmueli (IUCC) - '5 min presentation
    • Portugal - Nelson Dias (FCCN | FCT) - '5 min presentation
    • Brazil - Luiz Coelho (RNP) - '5 min presentation
    • Gill Ferrell (EUNIS / 1EdTech)
  • Workshop on NREN educational strategy development, planning and implementation

11 September 2023 Co-located with NORDUnet Community Workshop

Data sharing (and skills ie internship in companies): Sharing our views on the skills discussions of DC4EU and DS4Skills, and connecting it to the work that's being done for wallets and microcredentials.

Tools/services (tender requirements, contract templates)

Potentially joint meeting with SIG-Multimedia. The TF-EDU SC is reviewing it's strategy and structure.
Share with SIG-MSP.

SIG-DHD (eHealth)

Meeting dates


number of participants

(during the last months)

Focus of the meeting

Important topics, themes

Discussion topics

Outcomes / impact

(This should be descriptive on the content similarly to what was in the report to the GA for TNC

and what the meeting attendees took back to their organisation and how it has impacted their work.

Blog link(s)

Planned future meetings

Dates, locations

Topics, focus

Other event presence (last month):

Name of event:


Dates / location

Participants types

Presentation / session / workshop 

Other comments

Friday, 9 June 2023 TNC23

20 participants in person

10 remote

Joint meeting with EGI (Mark Dietrich). Update from the EC on key initiatives. EDITH project presented on Digital twin project for the human body.  The concept of Trusted Research Environment and Secure Processing Environments. Presentation on EHDS and designing the implied data workflows  via the TEHDAS project. Interesting synergy with EGI about it. 

Need to post presentations
on Zenodo.
Need to blog about it

SIG-DLT (Closed): 
