Here is defined sip server (used in dial peers) and various sip parameters.
Gatekeeper settings
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*Gatekeeper settings*
interterface Loopback0
description MGMT Loopback
ip address
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id GK1 ipaddr 1718 priority 100
h323-gateway voip id GK2 ipaddr 1718
h323-gateway voip h323-id IP2IPGW
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
Gatekeeper settings for ras session target in dial peers with primary and secondary gatekeeper. It is not necessary to configure it on Loopback interface.
There seems to be a BUG that affects H.323 slowstart to SIP calls if sip server is not set by ipv4:
OS specific help
N/A - There is only CISCO IOS